2016 Challenge

$50 of $10,000 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in around 12 months

Over the year 2016 I am challenging myself to complete several hundred kilometres on my bike.


I was diagnosed with a Brain Lesion in December 2012 Later it was found to be Cancer. I would like to show "Survivors" of Cancer, and any other chronic condition,that it shouldn't hold you back. Over the years 2014 and ongoing I am challenging myself to complete several hundred kilometres on my bike.

Louise Curtis' involvement (page creator)

I am cycling to raise money for the Cancer Society and Malaghan Institute, as they have helped me through my journey with Cancer.

Latest update

Lake Wairarapa Cycle Challenge  11 October 2016

Why do the 80km of the race when you can do 100km?

There were no Marshalls or signs at the turn and so many of us missed the turning to Martinborough and headed on down to the Coast, an extra 20km, before realising we had missed the turn. I guess we were looking at the awesome rainbow that appeared in front of us! The sun came out and it was good training for Taupo, but we missed the free lunch and prize-giving- well not free as it was included in our Registration. Off to 'The Tin Hutt' for refreshments after. Great day out despite the detour!

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Latest donations

Moore family
Moore family on 27 Oct 2016
Nice work Louise. Looking forward to riding with you!
Louise Curtis

Thanks for your donation. It is greatly appreciated!

Louise Curtis

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This campaign started on 16 Sep 2016 and ended on 16 Sep 2017.