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Head shave for Hospice care

$22,931 of $40,000 goal
Given by 92 generous donors in around 6 months

We are shaving our heads to raise money for Hospice Care for breast cancer patients and anyone with a terminal illness. Join us!


For those that don't know this, Stu's Aunty Beverley died of breast cancer earlier this year.

The palliative care that terminal cancer patients receive at the end of their lives is so important and the wonderful work that Hospice staff do to preserve comfort and dignity in the short time left before death needs to be supported and celebrated. So we are taking the plunge to show our support by shaving our heads to raise money! This may be no big deal to Stu, who has done it before for cancer support, but I admit it is pretty terrifying to a woman like me, who has always had a thick head of long blonde hair! It's taken me a while to get up the courage to commit to this, but I'm finally going to do it and want to raise as much money and awareness for this worthy cause as possible. When you think about what cancer patients go through in comparison, it puts it all in perspective. I'm even going to go a step further and reach out to you all to see if you want to join in the fun with a head shave as well as a donation! Who dares to join me? Get your mates to donate and share a photo of your shaved head on social media with this link :0)

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Thank you everyone!  7 December 2021

We'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone for such generous donations and we hope you enjoyed the live Facebook/Instagram video of the head shave as proof of our commitment to the cause! If anyone missed it, you can see it on You Tube and have a good laugh! Please continue to share in your networks as the Givealittle page is live until March and our goal is still to reach $40 000 :0)

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Celyn and Ellis
Celyn and Ellis on 19 Nov 2021
Ula Heywood

Thank you!

Ula Heywood
Caroline on 18 Nov 2021
Awesome work Lula and your crew 💓🥰🙌🙌🥰💓
Ula Heywood

Thanks so much!!

Ula Heywood
Jay on 18 Nov 2021
Great work you two!
Ula Heywood

Thank you!

Ula Heywood
Sue on 18 Nov 2021
Fantastic cause. Well done guys! 👏
Ula Heywood

Thanks very much!

Ula Heywood
Eimear on 16 Nov 2021
Ula Heywood

Thank you lovely! xx

Ula Heywood

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Created by Ula Heywood
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This campaign started on 19 Sep 2021 and ended on 19 Mar 2022.