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Helen and Bindi

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on 18 Jan 2019

Cath asks

Thanks Helen

Your disability would have been covered by Perfect Partners Assistance Dogs Trust though (you missed that one from your list). Other organisations which train dogs for people with disabilities do not charge applicants $20,000 per dog. Charging this much without clarifying exactly where that money is spent means ADNZ would not receive financial support from many donors who might prefer to support charities which don't charge for their dogs (and as a result, are far less wealthy and in greater need of support than ADNZ).

Helen Vivienne

Hi Cath,

Perfect Partners are closed for applications which is why I didn't include them. There are no other organisations in New Zealand currently able to train dogs for my situation.

My assistance dog has been life changing and dare I say it, life saving for me and I am happy to fundraise for them.

I 100% feel they very much need and deserve the funds for this amazing work. I'm sorry that you feel differently, or that you feel situations like mine don't deserve the funds.

I'm not really sure what you are hoping to achieve here, but I don't believe this is the forum to do it in, so I'd ask that you don't comment further on my page.

I wish you all the best,

Helen and Bindi

Helen Vivienne Fletcher
on 18 Jan 2019

Cath asks

Great you have a dog to help you, but did you know there are other organisations/registered charities which train these types of dogs for those with disabilities of all kinds, and do not levy a $20,000 fee or fundraising requirement upon those in need of such dogs? Application to one of these other organisations would not have required you to raise so much money and could have provided you with a trained dog without having to wait and/or pay (or seek donor support to raise) $20,000.

Helen Vivienne

Hi Cath, thanks for your question.

Yep, I'm aware of the other organisations certified to train dogs Assistance Dogs in New Zealand - Hearing Dogs for Deaf People New Zealand, Mobility Assistance Dogs Trust, New Zealand Epilepsy Assist Dogs Trust and Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind. My disability doesn't come under any of those, and so Assistance Dogs New Zealand was the perfect choice for my situation.

Assistance Dogs New Zealand do great work, and it costs a huge amount to train these dogs so I'm quite happy to help fundraise for these life-changing dogs. All of the certified organisations training dogs really need help with funds and donations for the important work they do.

All the best,

Helen and Bindi

Helen Vivienne Fletcher

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