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Help Jenko raise some money for a great cause!

$6,813 of $5,000 goal
Given by 45 generous donors in 19 days

Raising funds to help Speed Freaks share the love of running with those in recovery.

Christchurch, Canterbury

I am involved with a charity called Speed Freaks, and I’d love your help to raise a few dollars!

From the genesis group in 2017, the Speed Freaks Trust was established to grow connection, pro social friendships and health and wellbeing, through their running and walking programme. Aptly named by the founding group, Speed Freaks is primarily for men and women who are in recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction. The program has grown to include 14 weekly runs, with approximately 60 volunteer coaches and 422 community runners being mentored since inception.

I had noticed Speed Freaks teams at running events around Christchurch, so I got in touch. I have been involved as a coach/mentor for nearly a year, and it has been hugely rewarding. Speed Freaks have four paid staff thanks to some generous donors, however this is not an ongoing arrangement. Any funds we can raise will help retain the paid staff, enter and transport our runners to more events, and maybe throw on a BBQ or two after the events.

I’m competing in the Coast to Coast on February 11. Any donation would be greatly appreciated, but I thought it would be more fun to get you to sponsor a leg of the Coast to Coast at one dollar per kilometre.

First leg- Run $2.

Second leg- Bike $56

Third leg- Run $31

Fourth leg- Bike $15

Fifth leg- Kayak $70

Final leg- Bike $69

Whole race- $243

Kayak/vehicle advertising space available by negotiation. We also accept good condition second hand running gear!

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That’s a wrap!  17 February 2023

Somehow I made it to the finish! Thanks everyone for your support. Together we’ve also raised nearly $7000 for Speed Freaks! A special thanks to my support crew of Justine, Brent, Zoe, Greta and James for making it such a great day. To everyone that donated to Speed Freaks, sent messages, followed online, came out to support on the course, trained with me, leant me gear, gave me advice- Thank you so much!

Endurance sport takes long hours of training, and a very special thanks must go to my wife Justine for making it all possible.

Take care, Jenko

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Sal & Jimmy
Sal & Jimmy on 11 Feb 2023
Go Jenko!
John & Carolyn
John & Carolyn on 11 Feb 2023
Go you good thing!!!
GVI Logistics
GVI Logistics on 10 Feb 2023
Nicely done.
Peter on 10 Feb 2023
Go Jenko
Arthur & Alice Wallis
Arthur & Alice Wallis on 10 Feb 2023
Good luck Jenko🥳🥳

Who's involved?

Hamish Jenkins's avatar
Created by Hamish Jenkins
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 31 Jan 2023 and ended on 19 Feb 2023.