Speed Freaks - running for recovery.

Speed Freaks - running for recovery.

Supporting the delivery and development of The Speed Freaks programme. Growing connection and recovery capital.


The magic of the Speed Freaks and our mantra of running for recovery has reached beyond individual recovery and into the community. Share in our kaupapa and stories of courage and achievement by following our Facebook Page and Instagram.

From our genesis group in 2017, the Speed Freaks Trust was established in 2021 growing connection, pro social friendships and health and wellbeing, through our running and walking programme.

Supporting individuals in recovery from addiction and mental distress to access exercise in a safe and inclusive environment and achieving outcomes of;

Participation & Inclusion

To support participation in local and national groups and running events, creating opportunities to engage with communities and build recovery capital.

Connecting Community

To acknowledge and address, through the vehicle of running and walking, the barriers that are present for those with addiction and mental distress. Supporting new connections and understanding in their local communities.

Pay It Forward

Each Speed Freaks member is encouraged to pay forward the support they have received through the programme. Mentoring others and sharing their wisdom of lived experience through peer support.

More about us

Our Kaupapa. To increase health, wellbeing and connection. Supporting recovery from addiction and mental distress through the vehicle of running and walking.

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Latest donations

Privileged to know you Julia you blooming legend
Gabrielle 6 days ago
Cheer up! God bless!

Who's involved?

Speed Freaks Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Speed Freaks Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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