Help Jess teach everyday NZ'ers emotional health skills

$4,977 donated
Given by 21 generous donors in 9 weeks

Teaching everyday NZ'ers emotional health skills


Our world is a mess. People are hurting.

Issues like burnout, auto-immunity, fractured relationships, and toxic work cultures are signposts that the stories we tell ourselves are not working.

Most people require 100+ hours of specialist support to unravel what they believe and why. That financial investment can cost $10k - $40k, far beyond the reach of most everyday people.

There has to be a better way.

Living Wisdom is a 100hr masterclass in emotional health, using insight-driven solutions, to bring long-term, sustainable change. And it works. Using the material, I have gone from cycles of trauma, shame, regret, and quick fixes, into reclaiming my health, my joy, and my relationships.

And now, I want to help others.

This is why I have trained with David Riddell, founder of Living Wisdom, as an accredited member of his team. My desire is to travel NZ and teach everyday people to make their minds their friend. But to do so, I need your help.

I am looking to raise $20,000 to purchase a hybrid SUV, to carry the teaching tools and resources of Living Wisdom and to ensure safe and cost-effective travel across the country.

We all want to change the world. But, our ability to affect the world around us, starts by examining the world within us.

I truly believe in Living Wisdom and its power to transform everyday people.

That is why I have invested everything I have financially into this journey.

Please help me to help others by partnering with this initiative.


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If you’ve been following along with my story...  11 September 2024

I was about to hit rock bottom.

I remember sitting with David in the counselling room, completely oblivious to the depth of my issues. And he in his kindness warning me that I was about to lose my daughter. A word like that is hard to hear, and so I tried to bury it. But within 8 weeks, I watched it play out in front of my eyes.

I had the honour of recently being interviewed by Charlotte for her podcast Gather. It’s not a lengthy piece but boy is meaty. If you wanted to hear a portion of my story, this is where you’ll find it.

In these tumultuous days, if we are going to stand for truth, we must first commit to living it. To endeavour to save the world at the expense of our families is really an attempt to outrun our shadows.

The Lord has done a restorative work in my family and now, I have a fire burning in my belly. In a world that’s confused kindness with passivity and indulgence, I want to shepherd our nation into being lovers of truth. So I’m asking for help.

I’ve set up this page to raise funds to travel, and teach the course that changed my life.

For those who are able to financially partner with me, I’m forever grateful. For those who cant, I would love it if you would share this post in the hopes that it will be found by someone who can.


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Anonymous 4 days ago
Thank you for all the valuable things you taught me and were willing to share. Its made a huge impact on my everyday life which I can now share with others. Praise Yah!
Katie on 04 Sep 2024
Great work Jess!!! Ryan would be cheering you on this too! I really valued the living wisdom training I went to in my 20’s! It was life changing.
Matt & Kate
Matt & Kate on 04 Sep 2024
Thanks for your amazing efforts ❤️🙏
Emily on 04 Sep 2024
Bless you beautiful lady
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Sep 2024

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Created by Jessica Tremain
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This campaign started on 13 Jul 2024 and ends on 1 Nov 2024.