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Help Jess teach everyday NZ'ers emotional health skills

  • If you’ve been following along with my story...

      11 September 2024

    I was about to hit rock bottom.

    I remember sitting with David in the counselling room, completely oblivious to the depth of my issues. And he in his kindness warning me that I was about to lose my daughter. A word like that is hard to hear, and so I tried to bury it. But within 8 weeks, I watched it play out in front of my eyes.

    I had the honour of recently being interviewed by Charlotte for her podcast Gather. It’s not a lengthy piece but boy is meaty. If you wanted to hear a portion of my story, this is where you’ll find it.

    In these tumultuous days, if we are going to stand for truth, we must first commit to living it. To endeavour to save the world at the expense of our families is really an attempt to outrun our shadows.

    The Lord has done a restorative work in my family and now, I have a fire burning in my belly. In a world that’s confused kindness with passivity and indulgence, I want to shepherd our nation into being lovers of truth. So I’m asking for help.

    I’ve set up this page to raise funds to travel, and teach the course that changed my life.

    For those who are able to financially partner with me, I’m forever grateful. For those who cant, I would love it if you would share this post in the hopes that it will be found by someone who can.


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  • Ready to change the world

      2 August 2024
    Main image

    Over the last decade, I (alongside support from friends, family & various scholarships) have invested just under $100,000 into my personal development. From courses and mentoring, to traditional counselling and fitness programs, I was desperate to upskill and change my life.

    While everything I signed up for was beneficial, nothing went deep enough to address the heart of my trauma or bring about the sustainable change I was looking to find.

    I didn’t realise it then, but the Lord had my number - meeting the cries of my heart through a series of strangers. All of whom brought words of forewarning, much like the ghosts in A Christmas Carol.

    After the third “have you ever heard of Living Wisdom?” I took a leap of faith, travelling to a foreign city, to do a course I had never heard of, with a man I didn’t know.

    I could say many things about that time, but ultimately that two weeks changed my life. Causing me to face myself and stop attempting to outrun my shadow.

    And now, I want to help others to do the same. So I’m asking for help.

    This page is to raise funds to travel, and teach the course that changed my life. For those who are able to financially partner with me, I’m forever grateful. For those who cant, I would love it if you would share this post in the hopes that it will be found by someone who can.

    I will post more about this journey in the coming days but to those who’ve taken the time to read this, thank you.


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