Andrew McGill... help me help the kids

$2,200 donated
Given by 22 generous donors in 20 days

Participating in The Long Run


I'm a big fan of rugby having a positive place in the community and what the Crusaders are doing here is fantastic. Fundraising for Child Cancer is something I've done over the years so this is a good way of getting back onboard to help out.

I really don't know how many laps I've got in me, certainly not 153, but I'll do my best.

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Done! Well done Crusaders for the event.  27 January 2023

All done folks. Massive thanks to every generous person who has chipped in for the kids and their families.

I ticked off 25 laps in total (approx. 24km). I admit the last two were virtually walked so I made the call that I couldn't get to my target of 30. On balance, I'm actually quite happy cos had a wee pop in my left half in the very first lap that made the day a touch uncomfortable.

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Participating in

The Long Run

Running 153 laps of Rugby Park for the 153 Children diagnosed with cancer each year in New Zealand to help their families in 'The Long Run'

Latest donations

Lynda on 30 Jan 2023
Great job Andrew!! Lynda & Rod
Andrew McGill

Thanks to you both for thinking of others when you’ve probably got enough to worry about with the rain and flooding up there. Many thanks.

Andrew McGill
Brent on 30 Jan 2023
Well done Andrew. Great effort for a fantastic cause.
Andrew McGill

Brilliant Brent. Thanks for the generous donation mate.

Andrew McGill
Andrew on 29 Jan 2023
On behalf of my generous and great mate Hamish Anderson.
Kyle on 28 Jan 2023
Great stuff Gilla! Legend
Andrew McGill

Cheers Kyle. Thanks for supporting the kids, their parents and doing that through me.

Andrew McGill
Nick on 28 Jan 2023
Well done mate
Andrew McGill

Good man. Appreciate the donation buddy.

Andrew McGill

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Created by Andrew McGill
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This campaign started on 26 Jan 2023 and ended on 15 Feb 2023.