Help me raise funds for Armed Forces and Emergency Services Rehab & Mental Health Charity

$75 donated
Given by 2 generous donors in around 5 months

Participating in NZ Armed Forces & Emergency Services ICN Bodybuilding & Fitness 2021 Competition


As you may well know by now I've been a volunteer ambulance officer with St. John for over 10 years in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. In the UK and Australia the St. John functions I performed were event first aid ( think standing at the side of rugby pitches in the winter, cycling races, the local school fair).

Here in NZ I'm a frontline Emergency Medical Technician. Whilst I only volunteer for shift a few times a month I still get involved with treating some of the sickest patients or I'm the first on scene at a horrific accident scenes, often with fatalities.

Don't get me wrong, I love my volunteer role but this is hard physically and mentally. There have been many jobs I've screamed on the inside, cried on the drive back to station with my crewmate and hugged my baby and partner all the tighter when I see them next. I cannot imagine what other members of the Armed Forces and Emergency Services deal with on a daily basis.

We are all under pressure in this role, face abuse and attacks, get injuries (even career-ending) in the line of duty and I am proud to be doing the hardest thing I've ever done in my life to support Te Kiwi Maia to support the rehab, recovery and mental health of my colleagues throughout NZ.

On October 9th 2021 I'll be competing in an all natural bodybuilding competition to raise awareness and funds for this mighty cause. For those of you who know me I've never been a skinny mini, I was built for endurance rather than speed and for me pizza is life. So going back into the gym after have a spinal fracture in a car crash and eating vegetables is a tough challenge alright!! But it's too late to back out now.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart x

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Wellness Week May 2022  2 June 2022

Posted by: Te Kiwi Māia

We have been planning for the past year our first wellness retreat where we take away some of our First Responders and NZDF personnel. With lots of help and advice from specialists, support from the organisations and fundraising we were able to take a group of 12 away last week to a gorgeous location for some much needed support and time out.

We are so thankful and blessed to these amazing people who look after us daily, and to be able to look after them is why we set up in the first place. Thank you St John, Fire and Emergency and the Royal New Zealand Navy for trusting us with your people.

Thank you also to our Give-a-Little supporters for your kind donations. We were able to put your funds towards this retreat, and we hope to be able to run another one before the end of the year.

To our Te Kiwi Māia Pioneers - thank you for leading the way, embracing the week and helping shape the support and services we will provide into the future. It is an honour to have you as part of our Te Kiwi Māia Family.

"For me this week was a godsend. I have been struggling like many others with maintaining positive mental wellbeing due to work stressors and have more recently been suffering the effects of burnout. This got me to a point where a month ago I couldn’t see how I could continue to be any part of this organisation without it destroying me or my family and was resigned to the fact that I would have to leave the organisation.

Attending the Te Kiwi Māia programme has had a truly profound effect on my physical and mental wellbeing that is hard to put into words.

I am now more positive towards change, feel more in control of my emotions and actions, more connected to loved ones, more resilient to trauma, more accepting of differences, a greater sense of self worth, and have had a huge improvement in my overall wellbeing.

I feel the happiest and healthiest I have been in a long time which has definitely been noticed by workmates and more importantly my whanau.

But best of all the week has taught me the warning signs when my wellbeing is regressing and effective tools and processes that with practice will help keep me well for years to come. " - TKM PIONEER

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Participating in

NZ Armed Forces & Emergency Services ICN Bodybuilding & Fitness 2021 Competition

Help Te Kiwi Māia - The Courageous Kiwi by supporting your friends and family who are doing this awesome competition in fundraising for TKM.

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Guest Donor on 20 Jul 2021
Jeff on 16 Jun 2021

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Created by Laura McKay
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This campaign started on 15 Jun 2021 and ended on 30 Oct 2021.