I'm going diving to support 2 great causes

$175 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in 7 weeks

Participating in Dive HQ Wellington's Descent To Challenger Deep. A virtual dive to 10, 935m


The ocean is my happy place and diving has given me opportunities beyond my expectation. It is a career, a hobby, a cause and a great way of meeting like minded people.

The Wellington Volunteer Coastguard is my favourite local charity and while I hope to never need their help they have assisted 100's of divers, boaties and others return home over the last 50+ years

Diving has also provided an escape from the stresses of everyday life, to be active and to interact with the natural environment so it made sense to support the great work of the I am Hope Foundation.

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Participating in

Descent To Challenger Deep

Collectively diving the depths of the Challenger Deep

Latest donations

Shane on 11 Aug 2024
Go Dive HQ
Claire Murphy

Thank you Shane - a very generous donation :) Perhaps you will dive with me next time!

Claire Murphy
Kate on 31 Jul 2024
Go Claire
Dive HQ Wellington

Thanks Kate - just another excuse for her to go diving!

Dive HQ Wellington
Claire Murphy

Thanks Kate - I am really looking forward to see how this challenge goes over the year

Claire Murphy
Kumar on 30 Jul 2024
Dive HQ Wellington

Thanks for getting involved and for the support Kumar

Dive HQ Wellington
Claire Murphy

Thanks Kumar - I will see you underwater again soon

Claire Murphy
Camilla on 26 Jul 2024
It's on 🙃
Claire Murphy

It sure is - thanks for kicking it all off Camilla

Claire Murphy

Who's involved?

Claire Murphy's avatar
Created by Claire Murphy
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
Tax credit
Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 25 Jul 2024 and ends on 31 Aug 2025.