Funding for syria

$235 of $300 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in 18 days

They stopped counting the deaths doesn't mean it is not still happening.


The on-going war in Syria is still a disaster!

Although they have stopped counting the death toll, it doesn't mean war and disaster has gone. It just means it has reached a stage where they cannot estimate it anymore. It means there is more reason to help the innocent civilians than ever.

The war has gone on for so long the children don't even know what a warm house with food is like.

Don't let the media fool you into thinking everything is fine. It is not.

Please give generously and don't let your difference in religion degrade your humanity.

Tim Ting's involvement (page creator)

Relief Aid is a NZ government certified organisation providing support and relief for Syrian civilians through their local network. They are independent of religion, race or gender.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Aug 2016
the guy who doesnt want to try your first batch
the guy who doesnt want to try your first batch on 18 Aug 2016
Syrians need you - time to migrate
The Team at Community Care Pharmacy
The Team at Community Care Pharmacy on 17 Aug 2016
Joanna on 15 Aug 2016
You go bro! I've eaten the blueberry and chocolate muffins and live to tell the tale! :) keep up the good work!!!!!
Jessica Rose
Jessica Rose on 15 Aug 2016
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help Syria. Sorry the donation is only small, i wish I could help more.

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This campaign started on 10 Aug 2016 and ended on 29 Aug 2016.