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Hickman's Run4Lungs Auckland Half Marathon

$490 of $500 goal
Given by 10 generous donors in 4 weeks

The Hickman clan coming together to cross the Harbour Bridge and raise money for CF


We all know someone with CF and this is a great opportunity to raise awareness of CF and the value of organ donation

The Hickman clan coming together to cross the Harbour Bridge and raise money for CF

Latest update

Update for 29/10/2014  29 October 2014

Close to the run now and Peter is wrecked after going for a 10km run this evening, but not realising he had his Strava app set for miles. Not a bad 17km effort just a few days out from the Auckland Half Marathon!!!

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Participating in

Run4Lungs Auckland Half Marathon

Run4Lungs Auckland Half Marathon

Latest donations

Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens on 06 Nov 2014
Eric Leasie
Eric Leasie on 06 Nov 2014
Adam and Helen Priestley
Adam and Helen Priestley on 02 Nov 2014
Great effort everyone and good luck - hope you manage a few cold refreshements to re-hydrate afterwards!!
Angela Butler
Angela Butler on 01 Nov 2014
Olivia Monk
Olivia Monk on 01 Nov 2014
Good on ya Derek and Chell! I remember our wee outing after my half in Ireland. Hope the cold ones taste just as good this weekend, lotsa love xxx

Who's involved?

Brendan Hickman's avatar
Created by Brendan Hickman
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 11 Oct 2014 and ended on 9 Nov 2014.