I'm here/hear/hair for you... always❤️

$255 of $500 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in around 3 months

Fundraising for Mullets for Hope 2024

Bay Of Plenty

Everything goes back to losing my brother to suicide in 2009 and mentally hitting rock bottom in the last couple of years.

Have overcome my own struggles and continue to work on my hauora to be the best Pāpā, Partner, Son, Brother and Kaiako I can be. My kids, my love , you give me purpose and a want to be better always.

I am blessed in every aspect of my life but have had to dig deep a number of times. Proud of where I am and motivated to support others to continue to strive to be the best version of themselves.

Nothing worth having comes easy and my mental wellbeing is a constant work in progress!!

Thanks to my parents for showing the way, STAROS, proud of you always Dad, and Mum/Mike, I appreciate everything you have done to get me to today!

Never weak to speak 🫶🫶

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Latest donations

Margie on 30 May 2024
Debbie on 30 May 2024
Xxxx mum n mike
Manaaki & Payton
Manaaki & Payton on 06 May 2024
April on 29 Apr 2024
Alby on 28 Apr 2024

Who's involved?

Matt Brown's avatar
Created by Matt Brown
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This campaign started on 20 Apr 2024 and ended on 20 Jul 2024.