In memorial of Maree Lamont

$6,530 donated
Given by 60 generous donors in 4 weeks

Seeking the cure for Neuroendocrine Cancer


Our darling Maree was diagnosed with the rare Neuroendocrine Cancer at the start of 2016. We heard the word "incurable" and thought we had a few months left with her. Instead, mum took to her bleak diagnosis with faith, hope and love. She went through too much over the last 7 and a half years, and found her peace after spending two weeks in the sun surrounded by family and laughter in her beautiful home. We said our goodbyes to mum on the 20th of October and she left this world as she lived in it, gracefully and on her terms. The support we have received from the Neuroendocrine Foundation has been amazing and she would have loved to be able to give back to the incredible individuals who have guided us over the years of treatments, hospital visits and impeccable care.

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A giant thank you!  27 November 2023

What an unbelievable amount raised in Maree Angela Lamont's name! Your generosity has brought a lot of light and your memories have been such comfort over the past 5 weeks since mum passed. She would be amazed and humbled with your kindness, I know our family has been. Just such a special way to honour our lovely lady.

Thank you so much.

Love Rose, Adam and Darren xx

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Nov 2023
Emily on 15 Nov 2023
The loveliest lady and so many so lucky to call her their auntie!
Anna on 10 Nov 2023
Maree, you were such an incredible woman. I know it was a privilege to have met you and the strength you have shown everyone around you. Thank you for giving me a best friend. I will be forever grateful and remember you with so much love xx
Rose Hoare

Thank you golden girl xxx

Rose Hoare
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Nov 2023
Rose Hoare

Thank you for your generosity xx

Rose Hoare
Leesa on 09 Nov 2023
Love to you all xx
Rose Hoare

Thanks sweetheart xx

Rose Hoare

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Created by Rose Hoare
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This campaign started on 25 Oct 2023 and ended on 25 Nov 2023.