Inspired by my Brother

$4,225 of $3,125 goal
Given by 65 generous donors in around 3 months

A 3125km journey across New Zealand inspired by my brother who has Cerebral Palsy. Raising money to support kiwi kids like him.


My name is Yasmin and I’m a lover of anything adventurous and outdoorsy. I’ve decided to embark on the 3125km journey from Cape Reinga all the way to Stewart Island on my push bike. In early March I will cross New Zealand's three biggest islands, biking the North and the South Islands and tramping around Stewart Island to raise money for The Cerebral Palsy Society.

I’ve chosen to do this trip in honor of my older brother, Matthew who was born with Cerebral Palsy.

My brother's physical abilities are affected by his disability which makes sports challenging for him however, he never let that get to him. He always participated in sports even though he knew he wasn’t as ‘good’ as other students but he always tried. I think to be so resilient and have grit at such a young age is a testament to his character. He has taught me that although his road may be different and might take longer than most, anything is possible when you put your mind to it. He has inspired me to challenge my body to see what it can do, just like he has been doing since the day he was born.

This will be an eight week adventure full of highs and I’m sure many hard moments too. I will need a large supply of resilience and grit if I am to finish this adventure, two things that many young kiwis with this disability have to show everyday.

I would love for you to be part of this journey. Please donate and share this story so we can raise money to support and make a difference in the lives of people with Cerebral Palsy

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Thank you  30 April 2023

It’s been a week since I finished my bike ride and it still doesn’t quite feel real that I’ve done it. It’s been super nice to give my body a rest. I didn’t quite know how much I needed it until I did absolutely nothing for a few days. This trip has been so special. I’ve met so many amazing people and had some of the best times during this ride (but also some not so fun times too) which I will remember forever. When I look back on this in the far far future, I know the good times will stand out and the tough, sh*tty moments might fade. This ride was tougher than I imagined but I think that’s why it’s so special. It wouldn’t feel so rewarding if it was easy. This journey has been amazing and I just wanted to thank everyone who supported me weather that was by riding with me, letting me stay at their house, sending beautiful messages, feeding me, having a great chat or just following my journey - THANK YOU! It made a world of difference and it made each day even brighter. Also thank you to everyone who donated to The Cerebral Palsy Society to help kiwis with CP, we raised more than $4000 woohooo🎉🎉 which will go towards the expenses associated with having CP. This has been an adventure of a lifetime so thank you for making it so special✨🌞🌻🚴🏼‍♀️

Due to the weather and me needing a big rest, I have decided to postpone the hiking leg of this trip.

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Helen on 27 Apr 2023
Beer on 26 Apr 2023
Well done chicka! So stoked for you and your massive achievement 👏
Yasmin Wessels

Thank you✨🌞

Yasmin Wessels
Briana on 24 Apr 2023
Oliver on 24 Apr 2023
Awesome work Yas!!!
Yasmin Wessels

Thanks Ollie😄

Yasmin Wessels
Neil on 23 Apr 2023
A stunning adventure, thanks for letting me share a very small part of it in the north island, you’re an inspiration for living life
Yasmin Wessels

Thanks so much Neil, was great to see you again. And all your wee tips were great, definitely came in handy along the ride😄

Yasmin Wessels

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Created by Yasmin Wessels
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This campaign started on 29 Jan 2023 and ended on 1 May 2023.