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Inspired by my Brother

  • Thank you

      30 April 2023
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    It’s been a week since I finished my bike ride and it still doesn’t quite feel real that I’ve done it. It’s been super nice to give my body a rest. I didn’t quite know how much I needed it until I did absolutely nothing for a few days. This trip has been so special. I’ve met so many amazing people and had some of the best times during this ride (but also some not so fun times too) which I will remember forever. When I look back on this in the far far future, I know the good times will stand out and the tough, sh*tty moments might fade. This ride was tougher than I imagined but I think that’s why it’s so special. It wouldn’t feel so rewarding if it was easy. This journey has been amazing and I just wanted to thank everyone who supported me weather that was by riding with me, letting me stay at their house, sending beautiful messages, feeding me, having a great chat or just following my journey - THANK YOU! It made a world of difference and it made each day even brighter. Also thank you to everyone who donated to The Cerebral Palsy Society to help kiwis with CP, we raised more than $4000 woohooo🎉🎉 which will go towards the expenses associated with having CP. This has been an adventure of a lifetime so thank you for making it so special✨🌞🌻🚴🏼‍♀️

    Due to the weather and me needing a big rest, I have decided to postpone the hiking leg of this trip.

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    • 01/05/2023 by Berry Spruit


  • DAY 35: MOSSBURN to BLUFF 143km

      24 April 2023
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    We knew we had a pretty big day ahead of us so we started early. It was pretty foggy and cold so we were hanging out for the sun to come out, which luckily it did. It was almost flat the whole way to Bluff which was great but made for some boring riding at times. We had a super long day already but when we got to Invercargill we got a bit lost and added a few extra kms to the day. We eventually righted our wrong turn and found the trail leading to Bluff. The last 25km of the day were super long but we had a pretty good time laughing together and when we saw the Stirling point sign, the last 1.2km were even longer. We biked up the last hill and rolled over the top. I got my first glimpse of the long awaited Bluff sign and it didn’t feel real. Just like that 3000km are done. It hasn’t quite sunken in yet. My family and couple friends were there to celebrate this moment with me and I feel beyond grateful that they would travel all the way down here to share this with me. What a crazy feeling. Boy am I looking forward to not biking tomorrow!! What a way to end this crazy journey and I had one of my closest friends biking with me to top it off. I’m feeling pretty stoked🎉🥳🚴🏼‍♀️🥰🤩

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  • DAY 34: FRANKTON to MOSSBURN 111km

      23 April 2023
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    This morning started off with a boat ride across Lake Wakatipu to Waters Peak. Quite a nice way to start the day! It is so beautiful across that side of the lake. We could just see mountains everywhere. We were biking on gravel road the whole day which slowed us down quite a bit. At some point there was so much lose gravel on the road we were churning through stones which was hard work. It made an already long day longer but eventually we did make it to Mossburn. My mum and sister had flown down to Queenstown and met us in Mossburn that night. They took us out for dinner and I was surprised with the rest of my family being there too! So nice to see them all and we had a great time and meal, ready for the final day of this big adventure✨🌻🥳🌟

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  • DAY 33: WANAKA to FRANKTON 80km

      22 April 2023
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    The big day. The one I’ve been thinking about since I started this trip. Todays the day we go over the Crown Range, NZs highest sealed road. Honestly it wasn’t as bad as I first thought. Although it’s the highest point of my ride it’s not the steepest road which doesn’t make it hard, just a long climb. On my way up I bumped into a friend who was driving down the range which added another streak of sunshine to my day. We continued on and successfully made it to the top of the Crown Range. The stoke level was HIGH and I was frothing. Such a good feeling. Another great feeling was the downhill on the other side of the long climb we just did! We finished the day in Queenstown and it feels a bit strange to be back in the place I left to do this trip. I looked at these mountains all summer and now I’m back but have biked almost 3000km to get here. Definitely takes a bit longer than travelling by plane but the journey has been a treat so far. Not long to go now, only 2 days and I’ll be in Bluff, not able to bike any further south. It’s a moment I’m very much looking forward to😄✨

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      21 April 2023
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    I met a friend at Pleasant Flat last night so this morning it wasnt just me getting on my bike which was a very nice change. We didn’t fluff around this morning, we went straight into a 400m climb over 2km which was one of, if not the steepest hill I’ve climbed so far. My hat goes off to Megan to starting off her leg with that!! Luckily the hill was done in no time and we were zooming down the other side shortly after. We stopped at Blue pools and went for a wee walk out to the bridge and saw one of the best views I’ve seen all trip. We took our time today doing side walks and going to a cafe which was super nice instead of just go, go, going. We got to Wanaka in high spirits and had an awesome day riding. So nice to share the experience and have a laugh together. It’s a very nice change🚴🏼‍♀️🌻✨

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      20 April 2023
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    The sun was shining once again so I set off on my bike happy. I had a wee climb this morning and was rewarded with a stunning view of the ocean! The bike today was once again beautiful. I stopped in Haast and had the biggest lunch of my life because I was very hungry. I may have underestimated the amount of food I need to carry, oppsies. I had a looong break as biking on an exploding stomach just wasn’t going to happen. I was riding through some of the most amazing landscapes today. Crazy mountains and the clearest blue water, the ocean and the trees it was all amazing. So scenic🤩 today was my last day biking alone as I’ve got a awesome friend joining me til Bluff. I’m very excited, only four more days to go🥳

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      19 April 2023
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    I bike up towards Fox Glacier this morning which was pretty stunning🤩 The whole day was actually full of beautiful views. I was going to push onto Haast but the biking seemed to drag on a bit today. I’m feeling a bit sore and tired. I think mentally I’m so excited to be so close to the end but it’s still a few days away so it’s not quite the boost I need. I went for the quickest swim in the lake and hope to have an early night.

    I met the most lovely people at my campsite tonight. They feed me steak, potatoes and salad which was delicious. Way better than my spaghetti I was having. They were so kind and even gave me some food for breakfast and chocy to get me over the hills. Meeting kind hearted, friendly people like this has been the highlight of my trip. I will never forget all the kindness that was shown to me and I hope one day I can return it💖🌻

    Also a quick complaint: to the rat or possum who chewed a hole in my tent to eat my breakfast, please politely knock on my tent next time if you want food😅🤯

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      18 April 2023
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    I was treated to another amazing sunrise this morning. The last couple days have been a bit hard and I’ve been feeling very ready for this adventure to come to an end. But today was a bit different, I enjoyed myself SO much. The views were insane🤩 Aoraki was poking out from behind the hills most of the day and it was a sight! Such a stunning place. I was in such a good mood I treated myself to an ice cream at morning tea which really just kept my good mood going. Because of this ripper of a day I was lucky enough to see Franz Josef and Fox Glacier so I can tick that off the bucket list🌟 so stunning it’s crazy. I had a handful of big hills today but at this stage in the journey hills don’t faze me unless they’re super steep (which is not often) I’d rather a long hill than a short steep one. My legs no longer burn going up hills which feels great. They definitely weren’t always like that and it’s crazy to see how fast our bodies can adapt to situations. This might just take the cake for being the best day of riding so far. I hope this froth spills over into tomorrow🎉🌻

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    • 19/04/2023 by Robin

      :-) Franz Josef and Fox Glacier very nice to see, the good weather :-). Good Luck!


      17 April 2023
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    Wooohooo the sun was out today and I was treated this morning by seeing the most epic sunrise over the mountains! I think the West Coast might just be my favourite part of the country that I’ve biked through😍 The biking went super quick today. I found the best lunch spot beside Lake Ianthe and once again met some awesome people. Before long I was in Harihari and because the sun was out I was able to dry all my stuff that was saturated from yesterday! I had a nice afternoon off, getting ready for some big hills tomorrow😄🚴🏼‍♀️

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      16 April 2023
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    After a couple day off because of the crazy west coast rain I was on my bike once again! It get so good to be out there again😄🚴🏼‍♀️Not long into my ride it started raining and it didn’t stop raining for the whole day. The views in the rain were crazy so I can only imagine what it looks like on a beautiful sunny day🌞 I got to Hokitika cold, wet but not quite miserable and was so glad to have a hot shower and a warm meal! Once again everything in my tent was soaking wet but I’m glad it’s only the second time for this whole trip. I’m looking forward to seeing the sun again🌻✨🌞

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      14 April 2023
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    Wow was it hard to get out of bed today! It’s definitely pretty crispy in the mornings now and the only thing that gets me out of bed is telling myself I’ll get to camp early. Im glad the worst part of the day is at the start so it’s gets over and done with. Once again I get on my bike. Im starting to think biking in a pair of pants might be nice but then I remind myself that my legs won’t fit in them anymore so I scrap that idea 😉🤣 todays ride was nice and cruisey but super scenic. The West Coast is something else. I wish I had eyes in the back of my head so I could have a 360 view of all these mountains😍 I made it to Greymouth and had the first view of the sea and boy it does not disappoint. I’m very lucky to be staying with a family friend tonight so it’s a very nice change from the good old tent ⛺️ ✨🌱🌻

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  • DAY 25: MURCHISON to REEFTON 124km

      13 April 2023
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    The South Island is so stunning 🤩 When it’s starting to get a bit tough all I have to do is zoom out of my thoughts that really aren’t as big as I think and look around. I’m surrounded by mountains and unbelievable views. It’s all so stunning and it really puts things into perspective. I’m so lucky to be doing this, to be outside and doing something that I enjoy (for the most part). I would take this over working an indoor job any day of the week. I just have to remind myself that I’m just chipping away at a big goal and although it doesn’t feel like I’m getting closer, I know I am. Today might just be the most beautiful day riding so far. This morning I was going through the mountains and this afternoon I was going through a road with the native bush either side. Not a bad place to be I reckon🌱🌞✨

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      12 April 2023
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    My first long day in a wee while but somehow I still finish in the early afternoon. I think that means I’m getting a bit quicker. I’m definitely getting used to to bike life and it’s getting easier. Just keep pedalling and the hours just roll by. I took a silly wrong turn this morning and had to bike an extra 14 today because of it. It’s definitely reminded me that taking an extra minute to be certain of where you’re going is so worth it. I stopped at Lake Rotoroa for lunch and I can’t get over how stunning NZ is. It makes me start thinking about all the other missions I could do after this trip. All the places I could go sea kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, camping. There’s just too much to do out there it’s crazy. Gets me fizzing to explore the South more🌞🌻✨

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  • DAY 23: NELSON to TAPAWERA 68km

      11 April 2023
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    I treated myself to a sleep in this morning😴I’ve been walking up at 5 to be on my bike and ready to go as soon as it get light but today my alarm went off at 6:30 and man was it nice to wake up to it being light and not having to fluff around with my head torch to get all my stuff packed🤩 I had a short day again today but it was a great day. I met a lovely person as I was heading off today which really made my day! There are so many kind and amazing people out there and on this trip I feel like I’ve been so lucky with the great people I’ve met. It’s the small chats that boost the moral and set the day up right👍I had a good day riding🌱In the North Island I very much felt like I had to get there but here in the South I’ve decided to take my time a bit more. To stop when I want to take a photo and go check something interesting out or even just stop and chat to people😄It’s so much nicer to enjoy the moment instead of thinking only 20 more km to go. I went through the longest railway tunnel in the country. It is 1.3km long and it definitely felt like it. I couldn’t even see the light at the end of the tunnel for ages and did wonder if if was blindly biking into the abyss🌟But I did make it out so all good. I got to camp early and am hiding in my tent to avoid the sandflies. Ahhh it’s like they’re hungrier than me😂🙃

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      10 April 2023
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    I’m absolutely frothing the South Island! The views are unreal🤩 This morning I had a choice ride 39km to Nelson or 71km to Nelson. I choose the long way🙃 Option 1 was a mountain bike trail described as challenging, only for experts, very hard for heavy bikes, so steep you need to push, nasty rocky sections which to me, did not sound appealing😳😨The track has 750m of elevation which would be fine if it was on the road however, it’s a 4WD track. It sounds horrible to me especially because the last 4WD track I was on was shocking. The second option was a 71km bike over two big saddles (244m + 346m) over SH6 where there are trucks and traffic. I honestly hated my last section on a 4WD track and I struggled to push my bike up sections of the track and that was far less steep. I wasn’t too keen on biking on the SH but decided to leave early to avoid most of the traffic🚗🚙It was a great ride and luckily most of the traffic was heading in the opposite direction as me. There were two big hills I had to climb which meant two of the best downhills I’ve had yet!⛰️🚵‍♂️I was keeping up with the traffic on the downhills, I felt like I was one of the cars 🚗 💨but they quickly lost me as soon as it flattened out😞Coming into Nelson was so stunning and I made it here before lunch. I love these half days of biking, it means I can go for swims, read my book and just chill out and explore the place I’m in💖🤩🌻🌞🚲

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      8 April 2023

    Wow that’s the North Island of NZ all done! 🥳1547km later and I’m here in Wellington boarding my ferry to get to the South Island. It feels crazy to say that I got here by using just manpower🚴‍♂️No easy option around here just sheer hard work, tears, willpower, motivation, determination and smiles😆 It has been a roller coaster of emotions but I wouldn’t change it💖Hard is the word I’d use to describe it. From starting this big journey with almost no training. Biking for a 8+hrs a day for a week straight on a sore bum and the sorest legs and having to get used to this bike life as I went, to setting off on my own and feeling lonely and unsure of why I choose to do this🌞Then feeling ecstatic to have shown myself I can do this 💪and that I don’t need anyone to do all the things I want in life but learning although I don’t need them they definitely make the experience a whole lot more fun💖💖North Island you’ve treated me so well✨🙈✨🧡🫶🏼

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    • 10/04/2023 by Alina

      Wat hebben we veel waardering voor je, ik lees je verhalen met veel liefde, wat een ongelofelijke kanjer ben je. Top hoor


      7 April 2023
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    I couldn’t wait to get on the bike this morning and ride to the end of the North🚴‍♂️💨I biked the Remataka rail trail which was awesome apart from the strong headwind up the hill🌬️The gusts were so strong I was stopped on my bike and had to get off and push. Got to the top and was looking forward to the downhill but SURPRISE, I had to pedal down the hill because there was still a strong headwind🙃I see where windy Wellington gets it’s name. I had a great day and was super stoked and in disbelief when I got to the ferry terminal🤩You won’t believe, the whole North Island has been done and not a single flat tire…. until I hop of my bike at the ferry terminal and come back to it to find my front tire deflated hahah what great timing! I wasn’t even mad, just glad it happened somewhere where I had no pressure and lots of time😍 I celebrated getting to Wellington by getting an ice cream🍦 before going out for dinner. We went to an awesome restaurant where they send out your steak on a hot rock and you cook it yourself! Unreal is the only words I have for how good that meal was🤩😍After a great meal I got a second ice cream🍦because I was still hungry. I was absolutely frothing 🥳and even though I have just done half of the country the feeing of completing the North has not disappointed. That’s what I do it for, the feeling, the experience, the story. Bring on the Mighty South! 🥳🎉🇳🇿🌻🌿

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      6 April 2023
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    Today I woke up with a fresh attitude and was determined to have a great day👍And that’s what I did. I haven’t allowed myself to listen to music or podcasts while riding up until this point. And let me tell you it’s game changing✨Having the option to turn off the repetitive thoughts in my head and listen to something else really made the ride so much more enjoyable and made it easier to stay positive😇The kms went faster and I almost felt refreshed at the end of the day rather than smashed🤩All good things. Why did I not discover this up until now?! Martinborough is a cute wee town and I managed to get all the way here dodging the rain🌧️which was great. It was forecasted to rain all day. Tomorrow I’ll be in Wellington and the North Island will be done! 🥳

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      5 April 2023
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    Had a pretty chill day today which was nice🌞 Got to camp early and had a nap so I can’t complain at all. I’m definitely starting to feel tired now and mentally it’s getting hard🙃The novelty of this has worn off and it feels like a slog➰It feels like I’m going to be doing this forever and all I want is to sleep in my own bed and not have to set up or pack down my tent for a few nights🌙I’m hungry all the time and it seems like no amount of food can fill me up. It feels like I’m forever at the supermarket getting more food🥗🍕🍦🍫🍓🍉I think I should just live there😂 It’s honestly quite lonely, the longest interaction I have daily might just be with the supermarket checkout person or if I’m lucky 🍀a stranger who asks what time doing🚴‍♂️I remind myself that I’m lucky to have the opportunity to be doing this and that I’ve wanted to do it for so long so I should be happy but these are almost empty thoughts that don’t ease this strange feeling within. I just want to see a friendly face or even just have a hug. But it’s just me myself and I out here and I can’t quit because that would feel even worse✨ Why do I feel the need put myself in hard situations? I could just choose to be doing something easier. Sounds a bit nicer to me right now😇 but I know by the end of this it’s days like this that will make the stoke at the end even more special✨

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      4 April 2023
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    Today was so cold! 🥶 I woke up to snow on the mountains🏔️ I normally bike in a Tshirt and shorts but today I was wearing my fleece, rain jacket, buff, gloves and even had to whip out the old long Johns. I definitely did a lot of thinking about the layers I bought with me and if I have enough warm layers as I keep heading south as I know there could be many more days like this❄️ I made it to Palmy today which means I’ll be on Wellington in 3 days! How exciting, one island will be done and dusted so soon🤩🎉🥳

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      3 April 2023
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    I started my day by taking my bike up an elevator which was sick🔝There’s this old elevator in Whanganui that takes you up to a look out spot which is nice but what’s even better is that I didn’t have to bike up a hill to get there. If only that’s how it worked to get up all hills😂 This morning I left early to try and beat the rain🌧️ that was meant to be coming in this afternoon. I had biked 70km by the time lunch rolled around and smashed out the last 40km. I got to camp, set up my tent ⛺️ just before the rain set in. Perfect timing🥳 It was a great day biking and even met some cool people along the way. Now it’s pissing down 🌧️🌧️🌧️and gusting🌬️ outside and I feel like I might blow away in my tent but as long as it blows me towards Palmerston North I won’t mind too much😆😇

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      2 April 2023
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    This morning I got on my bike and biked to Whanganui🚴🏼‍♀️I got there at 10:30 and that was my day done👍 I got to campground, cleaned the mud off all my gear, went for a swim and went down the slide, had a shower and did all my washing and man does it feel good to be clean✨🫧I decided to take it easy today and rest. I found myself trying to race, trying to get further than I have planned to get a few days ahead. But I don’t want to feel like I’m rushing through this journey and today was a good reminder to slow down and take a breathe〰️🌱Just enjoy doing everything but biking. And it was great. Planning takes up much of my evenings so it was nice to actually have some time to think about anything else🤩

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      1 April 2023
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    This morning I took my bike for a walk🚲🚶‍♀️The track was so rough, muddy and narrow that I had to walk for the first 2km. I hoped the track would get better otherwise it was going to be a long 40km! Luckily🍀the track became ridable not too long after I set off and I was away. I was super keen to get going today and I think that way mainly to get off this section. I didn’t enjoy this part so much, I felt very isolated and the ‘what if’ thoughts creeped in😳 The day actually went quite quickly and the closer I got to the end the better I felt. It was raining and the track was muddy but that was half the fun. At many points I was walking through ankle deep mud haha. By the time I got to the boat I looked like I had done a mud run. I then hoped on a jetboat🚤and zoomed off down the Whanganui river to Pipiriki. From there I biked 40km to a quiet doc campsite and set up for the night🏕️I was in luck, there was a tap that acted as my shower for the night and washed most of the mud off me💧

    I went to calculate the distance I did today like I always do and I have hit 1000km!🎉It’s gone far quicker than I expected

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      31 March 2023
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    I had a good ride up until Whakahoro. The roads were so good to be back on and the km’s flew by🚴🏼‍♀️ I had made it to my planned camp before 2pm so instead of camping in Whakahoro like I thought I would, I started the Kaiwhakauka track to Mosely campsite ⛺️ Entering this track I was going to be so remote and so far from the next town or even people. I felt out of my depth and honesty a bit scared. A lot scared😳 In the first few kms I encountered a massive bull with even bigger horns on the track🐮I thought ‘you’ve got to be shitting me’. I already felt anxious and this really didn’t help. I didn’t want to go past it so I decided instead of risking it out here all alone with no one around that I’d lift my bike over the fence and walk in the paddock so there was a fence between us. I quickly got on my bike and sped down the trail away from this massive animal. This trail was very slow going and super muddy. I was sliding all about but decided to walk the last few kms to my campsite as there were big drop offs all the way along the track. Definitely am not risking it out here😬

    I have always enjoyed doing things alone but in situations like this I do wish I had someone else here🐵 And I’m not going to lie I think it’s because if something goes wrong at least there’s someone there to help. But in life you don’t always have someone there to do everything with and I don’t think you should wait around and let life pass you by〰️ I’ve learnt that in some situations you have to put trust in yourself and believe that you can handle situations when they need to be handled💪 I do find it hard when I’m outside my comfort zone by myself but I think it’s also where you learn most about yourself. It’s where you can see what you’re made of and also where you might need to improve. And if all goes well you’ve just shown yourself you can overcome anxious, uncomfortable, scary situations. You can do a lot more than you think🤩🌱

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    • 01/04/2023 by Berry Spruit

      An amazing achievement in the mud with those heavy bags on your bike as well 💪👏👍🚴‍♂️🥰❤️💞😘


      30 March 2023
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    I woke up to a frozen tent❄️ I am not a creature of the cold so I’m a little concerned about how cold the South Island is going to be at the end of April if it’s already this cold here. I had the second half of the Timber Trail🌱 to finish today and it was stunning. I found today much more enjoyable and the bush the trail goes through is amazing. There was another swing bridge and something called the spiral 🌀 where the track goes under itself which was sick. I was stoked to have finished the Timber Trail but will miss all the lovely people who stop and have a chat😇 Although I’ve been biking alone the last couple days it hasn’t felt like it. There has been so many kind, friendly people who have made the trail so much fun. I eventually made it to Taumarunui and could finally have a shower and wash my clothes which was the best feeling😍 The last couple days have been quite hard and in the moment I question why I choose to do this. As soon as I get off my bike for the day and have some time to relax and reflect I know why I’m doing it. It’s the feeling you get after a long hard day. I can only imagine what it will feel like when I get to the bottom of the country💗🤩

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      29 March 2023
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    I started the day early as I knew I was going to have a big day. I didn’t quite know how big it was going to end up being though. It was super cold this morning, I started with a fleece and a puffa! Much different from the warmth up north🌞 Up until this point I’ve mostly ridden on gravel or sealed roads. There hasn’t been any dirt track or mountain bike tracks up until now. Today I had well over 1000m of elevation gain⛰️which doesn’t sound too bad but it was tough. I quickly learnt that biking on dirt tracks is very slow going. Much slower than a hard surface like a nice road. On a road you can get into a rhythm and just go🚴🏼‍♀️but on a dirt track you have to focus and avoid ruts and big rocks and it takes so much more from you. I started going down a very skinny dirt trail and soon hit a skinny bridge. My bike was too fat to go over the bridge so I had to take all the gear off the back and walk it over before taking my bike over. This little bridge felt a bit dodgy and I was glad to be over it. On this section of track it took me an hour to move just 4.5km😵‍💫 Eventually I made it to the start of the Timber Trail🌱It was super nice out there and they had some awesome swing bridges with great views! By the end of the day I was exhausted and could safely say that was my most physically challenging day so far🥵I set up my tent, had dinner and went straight to bed. It was a total of 11 hours of riding, my longest day yet🌛😴🏕️

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      27 March 2023
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    Today was challenging for me. It wasn’t a hard physical day but mentally I wasn’t quite there which made today a bit of a struggle🌿Today I got a message from a friend and it said “There are things that can be taken from everything and every experience hey whether it be good or bad or completely f**king horrible I think there is something that can be learnt/realised no matter what. And sometimes I feel it takes time and time to reflect on it to notice these things.” It was exactly what I needed to hear💗Even though today was tough it was needed. You need hard days to build character and resilience and it’s not something that comes overnight🌛You need to train it just like you train your body in the gym. Go challenge yourself so when a big unexpected hurdle is thrown at you you’re ready and know you have the resilience to overcome it. Intentionally step outside your comfort zone, you’ll be surprised how good it makes you feel😇 It’s hard in the moment but when you’ve done it you’ll feel stoked🤩 For me this is how I quite often feel when I get to camp and suddenly it all feels ok again. Today knowing it was dry and the sun🌞 was out to dry out all my wet gear might just be the highlight of the day🌈It’s the small things. A great spag bol isn’t too bad either. The right way to end a challenging day🌻😴🌱🌳

    Also side note, these Nothing Naughty bars are amazing😍 I look forward to them everyday🤤

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      24 March 2023
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    This morning mum and I rode in the crisp morning air and in no time we were already in Te Aroha where I found an upgrade to my bike😂 I think this one might go a bit faster🚲💨We finished off the Hauraki Rail Trail in Matamata and just like that my riding with mum was over. It was so nice to share part of my journey with her and we definitely had a great time. I’m sad it’s gone by so quick😢 I got back on my bike and headed towards Arapuni. I had to bike along state highway 26 and 1 for 12km and I’d take biking 90 mile beach over that any day😵 I met up with another friend along the way which was awesome and road to Little Waipa Reserve where I’m sitting in my tent writing this now. It rained🌧️ for the last 30km of the day and I had to set up my tent in the rain. The inside of my tent is wet and it currently looks like a drying room to try and dry out my only pair of riding clothes for tomorrow🌞 I didn’t think about this when I was packing haha oh well I’ll just take a concrete pill. Now that I’m in my tent, semi dry it’s not too bad. I have a good book to keep me busy until I set up the old stove to make my favourite @backcountrycuisnes dinner. Wild mushroom and lamb risotto. Woohoo I’m excited🎉🤩🙊

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  • DAY 8: MIRANDA to PAEROA 55km

      22 March 2023
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    My lovely mum💖 joined me on my ride today and a family friend, Ann joined us for the morning. We had a super nice, short and flat ride to Paeroa today🤩 What’s that saying, don’t forget to smell the roses??🌹💐🌺🌻🌼Well thats what we did, took our time, had an ice cream 🍦 and read our books in the sun 🌞 Life doesn’t get much better than that! Paeroa is a wee town and every time I go through it I think about the time that someone told me that in Paeroa, L&P comes out the taps and I may have believed them🫣😇 But now as I have gained wisdom from my age and experience I know better😂 just thought I’d let you know just in case you we also unsure😅🙈

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  • DAY 7: MT ROSKILL to MIRANDA 110km

      20 March 2023
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    Today I started my morning ride with a good friend I studied with. Isaac, the legend

    himself joined me on my journey to Papakura which was a great way to start the day. We zoomed around the Auckland cycle lanes🚴‍♂️ like locals which was a bit different from my navigating the previous day where things took much longer. We said catch ya later in Papakura and I headed to Clevedon where I had the best lunch/ice cream break🍦I then headed through Kawakawa Bay which was stunning and very inviting for a quick dip🏝️🌊🤿I followed the coastline and officially got out of Auckland woohoo!🎉 Eventually I made it to Miranda after a long hot day in the sun. The coastline I followed was unreal😍Aren’t we lucky to have so many stunning places in our backyard!💖🇳🇿🤩🌅

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      20 March 2023
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    Today was my first day riding alone🤩 I had a whole lot of time to think until I approached Auckland City🤔 Suddenly all I was thinking about was how many cars there are everywhere and how the air has changed from clean and fresh to not so much🚗💨 There was a lot of navigating to get to where I wanted to go but also navigating all the traffic that was around me. I am definitely not a city person so today was a challenge. I definitely started to feel more anxious as I got closer and closer to the city but this just made me so grateful for all the nature I get to enjoy in my life. It’s a reminder to always do what makes you feel good🌳🌊🌱🌈🌼🌿☘️I missed the quiet country roads so I wanted to get through Auckland asap. To be fair I was impressed by the cycle lanes all throughout the city. The bike lanes even had their own stop lights!🚦It was a stressful but short riding day which was much needed as my body is feeling a bit sore after almost a week of straight biking🚴🏼‍♀️🌞

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    • 21/03/2023 by Berry Spruit


  • New goal!

      20 March 2023

    We’re getting pretty close to my goal so I’ve decided to aim higher. For every 1km I bike I’d love to raise $1! Thank you all so much for all the messages of support and generous donations. It means a lot🥰💖🚴🏼‍♀️

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    • 20/03/2023 by Berry Spruit



      19 March 2023
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    We started the day off with a beautiful sunrise🌅 and were lucky enough to be riding flat roads for the first 30km of the day which made for quick and easy riding. We had smashed out 30km by 10am which felt great and there was hope for an early finish. We had a break, and had a Kitkat and I can tell you it tastes so much better after putting so my KM’s behind you😍 On our ride today my highlight was seeing a whole field of sunflowers🌻 They just put a smile on your face. By the time lunch rolled around we didn’t have much left of our ride today and the end just rolled around very quickly. We made it the peaceful Pouto Point by 2pm where an ice cream was waiting for us. The best way to end the day I’d say🍦🤩🌻

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    • 20/03/2023 by Berry Spruit

      It's good that you are burning so much, ice cream is fine then🥰💪🚴‍♂️😘👋


      18 March 2023
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    I woke up with lead legs today. We had a big uphill to start the day off and while struggling up this hill I wanted to quit more than anything😵‍💫 I had no idea how I was going to get through the 80km we were supposed to be biking. But thinking about how sore my legs were definitely was not going to help me in making it to Dargaville so I just put my head down and got on with the job. Surprisingly after about 30 minutes my body got into a rhythm and my legs were no longer so sore. We had a huge hill⛰️ that went straight up for 5km+ which was not as bad as I had expected. We were biking up into the beautiful Waipoua forest. We visited Tane Mahuta which was a treat and really reminded me how amazing and strong Mother Nature is and how small and insignificant people really are. I love how nature can humble you so quickly🌿🌳The Waipoua forest was so beautiful and green, it was amazing to bike through. The long downhill on the other side of the big hill wasn’t bad either. We then had another 5km hill to go up so we were definitely working hard for the downhills today. We eventually made it to Dargaville with high spirits and another great day of riding under our belts. I finished the day feeling great and like I had more in the tank which was a complete 180 of how I felt in the morning. Amazing how our bodies can do much more than we think. Bring on day 5!!💪🚴🏼‍♀️

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  • DAY 3: AHIPARA to OPONONI 92km

      17 March 2023
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    This morning I woke excited to get going. I hoped on my bike and wow my butt was very sore haha I hope sitting on a bike seat is something I get used to quick!!🙈 We started off the day with a 2km detour (I took a wrong turn oops) and saw the beautiful peeling waves which made me want to jump in for surf🌊🏄‍♀️But I can’t surf the whole way down the country (although it does sound fun) so I thought I better keep pedalling🚴🏼‍♀️We soon made it back on route and we were feeling great. We made it to Broadwood for lunch before heading off the sealed road onto gravel. We had a steep climb and there was a moment where I thought I’d need to walk my bike up. But then I reminded myself of the big slog 90 mile was and kept going, making it successfully to the top of the hill without pushing my bike woohoo🎉 Cutting through the rolling hills on this gravel road was amazing. It was so peacefully quiet and the bush surrounding us was so vibrant and green.🌿After a well deserved downhill we took at 10 minute ferry to the town of Rawene. At this point we still had another 25kms to go which seem like a lot at the time. There was a lot of ups and downs today and my body and mind were feeling very tired. It was a big push to get to Opononi but man was I glad when we were there. There were a few tears today but I had to remind myself that’s what I wanted. I want to push myself to breaking point, to challenge myself and push my comfort zone. To have to dig deep and fight for something that doesn’t come easy much like people with Cerebral Palsy. They have to push through more barriers than most. Life’s not easy but when you’re born with a disability it can make things a whole lot harder. I can only speak from my experience with watching my brother through his life and can say he has had to face hard situations from a very young age. Things like bullying, being in and out of casts, many hospital appointments and operations, constantly falling over and having grazed knees and being obviously different from other kids. Unlike the pain I feel during this journey I can choose to stop. I can stop the pain and discomfort if I really want to but people born with Cerebral Palsy wake up everyday and don’t have the same luxury. Cerebral Palsy doesn’t stop for them. It’s life long.

    If you’d like to donate to help people with CP please donate. Every dollar counts🧡

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  • DAY 2: THE BLUFF to AHIPARA 60km

      16 March 2023
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    This morning I woke up to the rain and wind howling. Quite the contrast from yesterday’s beautiful weather. It was going to be a few hours before the sand was hard enough to ride so I spent the morning sitting in my tent🏕️ listening to the sound of the ocean and rain as I waited🌊 Luckily the weather was on our side today and the rain stopped at lunch time. We hopped on our bikes when the tide was low enough and we were off down 90 mile beach. What a stunning beach I thought when we first started our ride for the day🤩 We had 60km to cover to get to the other side of the beach and after the first 20km it became very mentally hard. It felt like we weren’t making any progress because 10km, 20km and 40km all looked the same! I had to find points in the distance to ride to like that tree or that funny looking sand dune or that rock over there. After 40km it got even harder. Our great tailwind turned into a strong headwind and we were battling to get to the end. Our speed went from 20km an hour to just 7km! I had had enough and let’s just say I now know why they call it 90 mile beach. It just seems to go on forever🙈 We finally made it to the end of the beach and man was I glad to be off the sand. When we finally got to the campsite and got off our bikes there was no better feeling. My first big day riding was done and just like that it felt like I was well underway to completing my goal🤩 I’d done 90 mile beach and now I can compare anything that feels hard to that and use it to motivate me to go forward. I think a big thing that helps me while doing something hard is that I will be able to compare hard experience to it. I will tell myself I’ve done that ‘thing’ before so I will be able to do this. I will definitely be comparing hard moments on the bike to today so it was a very successful day. I can’t wait to get on the bike tomorrow!🚴‍♀️⛰️

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      16 March 2023
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    I had never been to Cape Reinga before this trip. Getting there didn’t quite feel real. What I have been thinking about, talking about and planning for in the last few months was right in front of me. It’s happening whether I felt ready or not. Before I knew it, I was sitting on my bike letting the hills take me with them and I thought this isn’t so bad. Everything I was worried about felt so much smaller as soon as I got going.

    We got to 90 mile beach just before sunset and it was so beautiful. Big sand dunes and endless beach, what a sight. We weren’t just spoilt with a beautiful sight but also great sounds! We got to listen to the sound of salt and sand grinding our breaks and gears🙉 Not exactly music to my ears…But despite this, what a stunning place to start this big adventure🏕️🌅🚴‍♀️🌱

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  • Not long to go now!

      6 March 2023
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    In a few days time I will be at the top of the North Island getting on my bike and beginning my journey south. All the way south. This moment is rolling around very fast and now that all my planning and preparation is done, the only thing left to do is start pedaling. I am itching to get out there on my bike but there are definitely a few nerves, excitement and a whole lot of anticipation that has been built up over the last few months of planning this journey. Doubts creep in from time to time and I find myself questioning whether I can do this or not. There’s only one way to find out!

    Before I set off on this adventure I just wanted to say a big thank you for all of your support and generous donations. I haven’t even started biking yet and we have already passed the 1k mark which I am beyond grateful for.

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