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Ironduncs for Cystic Fibrosis

$12,431 donated
Given by 175 generous donors in 14 days

Help me raise money for Cystic Fibrosis patients and get Trikafta funded in New Zealand as I complete the 2021 Taupo Ironman.

Hawke's Bay

Over the past six months I have been training for the Taupō New Zealand Ironman which was set for this Saturday. I was planning to compete and raise money for Cystic Fibrosis, a disease which our older sister Kirsty has. When we were kids Ironman partnered with Cystic Fibrosis, Kirsty had a “buddy” athlete Patrick and we would go each year to support and raise money. I’ve wanted to do the same thing ever since then, but unfortunately the coronavirus outbreak has postponed the event so I can’t make it.

Instead, Peter Marffy and Tom Mackintosh will be hosting 2021 “Ironduncs” (unofficial but same distance event) in Taupō on Sunday to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand. The money I raise will go toward patient support and the campaign to have Trikafta, a breakthrough medicine that has been recently developed, become funded by the NZ government for the 500 kiwis living with CF.

Kirsty has been on this medicine because it is funded in the UK, where she currently lives, and it has had an incredible impact on her health — her lungs are clear of mucus, she can exercise freely for the first time in her life, no longer coughs throughout the day and night and her outlook on life has dramatically improved: she can now plan for life decades ahead instead of years ahead. Unfortunately this is not the case for the 500 people in New Zealand with Cystic Fibrosis, who without the unaffordable medication have an estimated life expectancy of well below 40. Trikafta is an incredible solution but for kiwis to get access it must be negotiated for and funded by our government. The money from this fundraiser will help to make that happen.

I hope you can donate even a little to the cause, and if you aren’t able to chip in some money, sharing this to your family or friends will help too. Thank you!

Duncan Parsons' involvement (page creator)

Our older sister Kirsty has Cystic Fibrosis and that diagnosis and the New Zealand charity played a big part in our lives.

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Latest donations

Andrea on 16 Mar 2021
Great effort Duncan raising money for an organisation close to your family’s heart and for a medicine that is life changing!
Macky family
Macky family on 16 Mar 2021
Well done
Billy on 13 Mar 2021
Georgina on 10 Mar 2021
Tom on 09 Mar 2021
Huge effort mate! Congrats, that's an unbelievable amount of money raised for such a great cause.

Who's involved?

Duncan Parsons's avatar
Created by Duncan Parsons
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This campaign started on 3 Mar 2021 and ended on 17 Mar 2021.