The Covid Mullet is going and we are going to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis NZ in memory of our Aunty Nic
Many of you will have noticed James’s majestic mullet. Started in the first COVID lockdown, it certainly has flourished.
Now its time for the mullet to go.
Last year, James’s Aunty Nicole passed away. She was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disorder that affects lungs and digestion.
She loved James and James loved her.
She was fortunate enough to be the recipient of two separate lung transplants which meant she was able to be around James and our family much longer than expected.
Sadly she passed away from cancer last year in Australia.
James is wanting to donate his hair towards a wig for someone who has lost theirs due to chemotherapy. They sure will be lucky to have his locks.
James is also keen to raise some money for the NZ Cystic Fibrosis association in memory of Aunty Nic.