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Jeff Gardner Climbs Mount Everest. Sorta.

$120 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in 7 weeks

The More FM Mount Everest Challenge

Bay of Plenty

Ok, peeps, the challenge is on! What is it? To climb Mount Everest, just like that famous Kiwi of years gone by. Of course, to avoid that pesky death problem, I'll be instead climbing this little mount rising up from the South Pacific 38 times in fifty days. Which is pretty much the same thing, elevation wise. Ok, maybe I'm not gasping for the rarefied molecules of oxygen at 8800 m, but I will be gasping. And I'm doing it for Homes of Hope, a charity that provides foster care for abused and neglected children, a problem I encounter far too often in the emergency room. So, if you have a soul and don't hate kids (and puppies and baby pandas and all that is good in the world), skip that "cuppa" (or two or three...) and give me some love, in the form of a few Edmund Hillary bills.

Participating in

The Mount Everest Challenge 2016

Join us to once again complete The "Mount" Everest Challenge. Celebrating health and fitness while raising money for Homes of Hope.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Feb 2016
FauxKiwis on 09 Feb 2016
Good on you mate!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2016
Chelsea on 07 Feb 2016
Jeff on 06 Feb 2016

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Feb 2016 and ended on 30 Mar 2016.