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Karen's Hat Trick for Sands

$1,000 of $1,000 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in 4 weeks

I will be taking part in 3 sporting events during March which will be the first 3 events I will have ever done in order to raise funds for


Sands Kapiti do important work to support families who have lost a baby during pregnancy, birth or as an infant. I will be running for my angel babies and also, for the courage of all families who have suffered such a loss.

I will be taking part in 3 sporting events during March which will be the first 3 events I will have ever done in order to raise funds for Sands Kapiti

Latest update

Focus on the revs  19 February 2014

T2 Training today, half distance bike, full distance run... tough in the blazing sun, I'm hoping for some clouds on event day and maybe a few light specks of rain! :) After pedalling in high gears last Sat (thinking it would be more efficient) and getting jelly legs in the transition, Lynley the Tri coach (Past Ironman champ, I so bow down!) told me it's better to focus on keeping around 85-90 rpm so as not to fatigue the muscles, especially with the headwind we get up the coast, which is what I tried today and had a much better transition into the run, yay! Biking to Zumba tonight so will keep practising!

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Participating in

Karen's Hat Trick for Sands

Karen's Hat Trick for Sands

Latest donations

Babs James
Babs James on 17 Apr 2014
Instead of Easter eggs Happy Easter
Pat Thomas
Pat Thomas on 17 Apr 2014
Congratulations, well done.
Absolute Hair
Absolute Hair on 15 Apr 2014
Hope this helps aliittle. Great effort so far and we are all so happy to help you.
Fiona Jenkins
Fiona Jenkins on 01 Apr 2014
Well done with your fundraising for such an inspirational group of people helping others.
Private Donor
Private Donor on 30 Mar 2014
Cash donation today from Claire - thanks hun! xxx

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This campaign started on 13 Feb 2014 and ended on 15 Mar 2014.