Climbing "Mount Everest"

$30 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 9 weeks

93.4 MORE FM Tauranga proudly brings you The "Mount" Everest challenge - raising funds for our local beach heroes, the surf life guards

Bay of Plenty

The “Mount” Everest Challenge is your chance to say thanks – in a BIG way! How does it work? We’ve discovered that if you climb the Mount (Mauao) 38 times, you climb the equivalent height of Mount Everest!

So we’re challenging everyone in the Bay to do just that – climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days, from Friday February 13th to Friday April 3rd. And to raise funds for the surf lifesaving clubs, we want you to get sponsors to support you on the challenge by making a donation to the cause. You can do it solo or form a team of 4 and combine your climbs!

Katrina Bain's involvement (page creator)

I will be challenging myself and those I know to climb Mt Maunganui 38 times in 50 days!

Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge

We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.

Latest donations

Caz on 16 Feb 2015
Go Girl??
Nicole on 12 Feb 2015
Good on you Katie xo
Private Donor
Private Donor on 29 Jan 2015

Who's involved?

Katrina Bain's avatar
Created by Katrina Bain
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
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This campaign started on 29 Jan 2015 and ended on 3 Apr 2015.