Now more than ever the Taranaki Retreat needs our help, to help support the people of our region.
We’ve all experienced challenges that life throws us, along with seeing family and friends go through some incredibly tough times, and unfortunately more and more people are needing supportive networks and spaces like the Taranaki Retreat.
So Ken and Anna want to help with a brand new appeal. More FM Taranaki will be holding a 12 hours of Hope All-Day Breakfast show, in which Ken & Anna have chosen to extend their time on their breakfast show to raise as much money as possible for Taranaki Retreat by reaching out to Taranaki Businesses and the local community.
12 hours of Hope will run from 6am - 6pm on Friday 28 May with the goal of funding an entire year of support time for Taranaki Retreat.
Ken and Anna want to help with a brand new appeal. More FM Taranaki will be holding a 12 hours of Hope All-Day Breakfast show, in which our hosts are locked in the studio to raise funds for the Taranaki Retreat.