The More FM Mount Everest Challenge
Bay of Plenty
Climbing the Mount 38 times is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest!
So we have been challenged to do this in 50 days and help raise money for the Mount, Omanu and Papamoa Surf Lifesaving Clubs.
The Peak of Mt Everest is close! 26 March 2015
The team at Key Research was excited to accept the challenge to go up The Mount 38 times in 50 days! Every week a few people of our team would go up the Mount and we slowly climbed our way to the top with now only 4 more times to go until we reach the finish line on Friday 3rd April 2015. A great effort by the team and many thanks to the company that will donate to the three local Surf Clubs.
We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.