
$650 donated
Given by 10 generous donors in 7 weeks

We are kids raising money for Kids by taking part in More FM the Mount Everest Challenge 2016.

Bay of Plenty

We are Polly, George, Clementine, Freddie, MiMi, Baxter, Mackenzie, harry, Hugo and Chloe and we will be climbing Mount Maunganui 38 times over 50 days to help raise money for homes of hope.

Belinda Francis' involvement (page creator)


Participating in

The Mount Everest Challenge 2016

Join us to once again complete The "Mount" Everest Challenge. Celebrating health and fitness while raising money for Homes of Hope.

Latest donations

Mobility Equipment & Services Ltd
Mobility Equipment & Services Ltd on 25 Mar 2016
Well done Clementine, Freddie and Mimi for completing the Mt Everest Challenge. You did it - and you didnt need a Mobility Scooter to get there! Fantastic!
Arthur Fulton
Arthur Fulton on 25 Mar 2016
Hello Arthur, You said you would sponsor me for doing the Mt Everest Challenge. Mummy said she would pay for you and you can pay her back! thank you for supporting me. from Clementine
Cushie, Gang Gang and Etta
Cushie, Gang Gang and Etta on 25 Mar 2016
Well done Clementine, Freddie and Mimi for completing the Mt Everest Challenge. You make us very proud grand parents!
Annabel Davies
Annabel Davies on 25 Mar 2016
Well done Clementine for supporting Kids for Kids. Loved climbing the Mount with you. From Annabel xxx
Phillida Perry
Phillida Perry on 25 Mar 2016
Well done Clementine, Freddie and Mimi - and all of the Kidsforkids7 team. A grand effort - kids for kids. Kids supporting other kids. Love that!

Who's involved?

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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Feb 2016 and ended on 31 Mar 2016.