Casper Walk4Life in Memory of Lani-Kohurangi Gore will be held at the Ports of Auckland Round the Bays Run, Sunday 8th March 2015.
Hi, I'm Launa-Anne now a volunteer of Casper. I am starting a branch in Tokoroa. so, I am raising funds by participating in the Ports of Auckland Round The Bays Run, Sunday March 8th 2015. This run will be in memory of my boy, Lani-Kohurangi Gore and to raise awareness of Suicide, the not so silent Epidemic... I'm calling it the "Casper Walk4Life"
After the suicide death of my son in 2010, I received support from CASPER through connectedness, inclusion and education...empowering, enduring love.
I want that for my community, Tokoroa.