Families & Communities Preventing Suicide


Providing information and practical strategies to help families and communities understand suicide and what they can do to prevent it and providing peer support to bereaved families.

CASPER has never had a suicide in the families we have supported and recent figures show decreases of up to 20% in suicides in the groups we target.

Latest update

We Need Your Help  29 October 2013

CASPER is run by families who have lost children, spouses, parents and other family members to suicide. As awareness of suicide increases, so does demand for CASPER services. Every day we receive phone calls from newly bereaved families needing to talk to someone who has experienced suicide loss, advice on how to talk to children about the suicide of a sibling and preparing their case for inquest. It is a sad fact that suicide most often occurs in the home and families are those first on the scene. The trauma of this renders many barely able to function and CASPER is always there to help. We also receive calls from families concerned that a loved one may be at risk of suicide. We work with families, often over years to supporting them with information and practical assistance to create family environments that protect against suicide. Recently, after a segment on television's Seven Sharp programme showcasing CASPER's Natural Helpers programme, we have been inundated with requests to train businesses on how to support and refer those bereaved by suicide and those who are facing suicide risk. With 1.8 full time equivalent staff, CASPER needs to urgently produce training DVDs to meet this demand. With your help, we can create communities free of suicide and prevent other families suffering the loss of a loved one to suicide. Every cent helps and we are grateful for donations of any amount.

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