LM Consulting Team - 2022 90 More Miles Classic Builders Challenge

$3,050 donated
Given by 5 generous donors in 4 weeks

Participating in 2022 Classic Builders 90 More Miles Challenge


I am completing 90 More Miles to raise money for Kind Hands Respite Cottage. I'm going to run, walk or skip the equivalent of Northland's Ninety Mile Beach (actually 88km) during March (31days) to complete the challenge!

Last year they raised a grand total of $28,275, can we smash that figure out of the park this year? I need your help!

You can join to, just register at www.90moremiles.co.nz to start your Classic Builders 90 More Miles journey.

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LM Consulting - We did it!!  2 April 2022

The LMC team all completed over 90km each during the month and we finished off with a team walk around the loop (except the COVID patients), thank you for your support, we raised $3050 for the Charlene and the Kind Hands charity!

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Participating in

2022 Classic Builders 90 More Miles Challenge

Join in the Classic Builders 90 More Miles Challenge! Walk the equivalent of Ninety Mile Beach in 31 days to raise money for Kind Hands.

Latest donations

CLM Civil
CLM Civil on 23 Mar 2022
LM Consulting Ltd

Thanks for your support Chris!

LM Consulting Ltd
Walter on 16 Mar 2022
LM Consulting Ltd

Thanks for your support!

LM Consulting Ltd
Tony on 15 Mar 2022
Well Done Liz & the Team!!
LM Consulting Ltd

Thanks for your support!

LM Consulting Ltd
Liz on 08 Mar 2022
Proud of the LM Consulting Team for taking up the challenge!
Kerry on 08 Mar 2022
LM Consulting Ltd

Thanks for your support!

LM Consulting Ltd

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Created by LM Consulting Ltd (Business)
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This campaign started on 28 Feb 2022 and ended on 1 Apr 2022.