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Donate to Lucy's fundraiser for Greyhounds As Pets Annual Appeal 2021

$270 of $500 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in 25 days

Help GAP reach their goal of rehoming 600 hounds a year by 2023.


Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! The video above is one featuring Lucy from 2019.

I am fundraising for the Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) Annual Appeal this year to help support their vital work and to get Lucy more greyhound friends.

The money raised will be used to fund GAP’s greyhound rehoming programme including post-adoption advice and support for the lifetime of a pet greyhound. Donations help to care for the greyhounds in foster care, pay their vet bills, train them to become pets and help them find their loving forever families.

Donate today to help GAP reach their goal of rehoming 600 hounds a year by 2023.

Rachel Ah Kit's involvement (page creator)

Lucy was adopted through the Greyhounds As Pets programme over seven years ago. She'd like to raise more funds for GAP because Lucy would like more greyhound friends!

Latest update

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Thank you from Lucy!  1 March 2021

Lucy would like to thank you for your donation to her fundraising effort. She looks forward to meeting newly adopted greyhound friends - made possible by the generosity of people like you.

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Participating in

Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) Annual Appeal 2021

We will be holding our Annual Appeal this year from February 7th until February 13th and GAP needs your help!

Latest donations

Mike on 09 Feb 2021
Wooof !
Rachel Ah Kit

Lucy says "Woof Sneak!" back and sends you a virtual butt sniff!

Rachel Ah Kit
Nick on 08 Feb 2021
A Greyt cause #idontlikedogs :-)
Rachel Ah Kit

Thanks Dog-dad. Iz OK that you don't like dogs, I iz cat-like anyway!

Rachel Ah Kit
Shannon on 08 Feb 2021
Rachel Ah Kit

Wow!!! Lucy says "Fank you so much for your generous donation! Dat will get me heaps of friends!"

Rachel Ah Kit
Victoria on 07 Feb 2021
Rachel Ah Kit

Thank you!

Rachel Ah Kit
Coffee Vice
Coffee Vice on 07 Feb 2021
I am sure you bring all your new friends to the Quarry Cafe Lucy. 😁
Rachel Ah Kit

Lucy says "Thank you to da Bacon Man and Bacon Ladies at da Quarry Cafe. You are da best!"

Rachel Ah Kit

Who's involved?

Rachel Ah Kit's avatar
Created by Rachel Ah Kit
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Feb 2021 and ended on 28 Feb 2021.