This year Lori, Michael, and Carson are all participating in More FM's Mount Everest Challenge!

$550 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in 7 weeks

This year Lori, Michael, and Carson are each participating in More FM's "Mount" Everest challenge to raise money for Homes of Hope!

Bay of Plenty

Homes of Home is an organization with the goal of ending child abuse in the Bay of Plenty. To help raise money for this organization all three of us are going to climb the "Mount" 38 times in 50 days -- which is equivalent to climbing Mount Everest. This is a family event -- and everyone who knows us realizes we aren't competitive -- RIGHT! The challenge is on, so please donate to help us and More FM support this fantastic organization.

Michael: I participated last year and got far more out of this event than I gave -- When I finished I was in the best shape I had been in years. Then I quit... this year my goal is to keep going!

Lori: I am participating in the Mount Challenge because it is a great cause, it is an opportunity to get more invested in the community, and it is a terrific incentive to get into shape!

Carson: I'm working to complete the Mount Challenge as it's an issue that is important to the wellbeing of the Tauranga community, as well as being a very good opportunity to increase my fitness levels.

Michael Luke's involvement (page creator)

Thanks to everyone for your support. Last year, Michael raised almost $1,000 for Surf Lifesaving! Please help us this year to benefit the kids at the Homes of Hope!

Participating in

The Mount Everest Challenge 2016

Join us to once again complete The "Mount" Everest Challenge. Celebrating health and fitness while raising money for Homes of Hope.

Latest donations

Rich & Linda
Rich & Linda on 08 Apr 2016
Congratulations on the Luke family's accomplishment or a great cause.
Hinkleys on 07 Apr 2016
I only did it once you guys did an amazing thing.
Tisch Family
Tisch Family on 07 Apr 2016
Donated to support Carson's efforts!
Brendon on 21 Feb 2016
Good on ya Luke family! You're all doing brilliantly!
Dollar Value
Dollar Value on 21 Feb 2016

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 Feb 2016 and ended on 14 Apr 2016.