To run for Arthritis NZ on the west coast of Auckland to raise funds and awareness about arthritis.
What are your greatest fears?
If you had asked me a few months ago, I would have put losing the ability to run high on my list.
I had run almost daily for years. Then earlier this year I developed septic arthritis in my ankle. I was 34 and I thought I would never run again.
The irony is that I am a positive psychology coach and Feel the Fear trainer. So , it was time to practice what I preach.
On December 10, I plan to complete the Speights West Coaster half marathon using a specially designed brace on my leg.
What had started with a niggling pain in my ankle ended up with four surgeries and 14 weeks on intravenous antibiotics 24 hours a day. And the infection left me with arthritis that I will be dealing with for the rest of my life.
I started to surround myself with inspiring messages and books including “Lucky Legs” and “Tough times never Last, Tough People do”.
A doctor mentioned a carbon fibre ‘offloading brace’ made in England for veterans with damaged ankles. I am from the UK, so travelled back there to have one made and fitted. There are only around 10 people in the world lucky enough to have the brace which is custom made.
I am so grateful. I am one of the lucky ones. I have benefitted from the tools that I teach and plenty of inspiration from others. My Dad, who passed away five years ago, inspired me to stay strong and positive. He taught me we always have a choice about how we respond to things.
Having been through this I appreciate my life so more than before. It has given me an opportunity to help, and maybe inspire others too!
For me this story has been about finding strength in difficult situations, overcoming fear and never giving up. It has also been about learning to accept myself – once you are okay with yourself, develop trust in yourself to handle any situation and you start to love life and then life will love you back.
My goal now is to give back in a run for Arthritis NZ in December on the west coast of Auckland to raise money and funds and awareness about arthritis. I have a training plan thanks to the help of coach James Kuegler,
More than half a million New Zealanders will be affected by arthritis at some time in their life . I hope to raise awareness for the challenges that these people are facing and its great to know that you can make a positive difference to the lives of others no matter what your situation is in life.
Positive psychology coach on a mission to give inspiration to others to push through fear and to live the best versions of themselves. I am a certified NLP practitioner and a licenced "Feel the Fear" teacher.