Thank you so much for following our journey and for being part of the #MakePositivityGoViral movement, and making Positivity the norm.
Make-A-Wish NZ does such amazing work with children suffering from illness there was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity. Working with an amazing charity for an awesome cause just makes sense, so I knew I had to throw my hat in the ring!
The reason why I personally wanted to be part of this is because that I've seen how much a positive mindset can change peoples outlook on life. I've been privileged enough in my life to have such an amazing support network but unfortunately, this isn't always the case for many of our youth. I'm on a mission to showcase the amazing things happening in our community and get more attention on the positive things as a collective.
The more exposure we can get on kindness, empathy, love and compassion the closer we will be to a more understanding community. The words that I am living by in this journey is to 'Make positivity Go Viral.' This is a goal I wholeheartedly believe that we can all do together.
He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
I've been given a target of $10,000 to raise before the 1st of June next year but I've set a personal goal for myself of $1,000,000. Our mates across the ditch were able to raise almost 3.5 million in the time frame so I know we can easily hit this target.
Now if you're sitting there thinking that a million dollars is an enormous amount of money, you're right! It is a massive amount of money but when you break it down like this it does seem achievable.
NZ has a population of 4.5 million people, so realistically we only need a quarter of the country to donate $1 each. If you're sitting in a room now with 4 people, then only one of you need to make a donation.
My wife and I have both been selected to be part of this amazing journey. Which means we both need to raise a minimum of $10,000 each for this amazing opportunity. If you are unable to make a monetary contribution, that is completely fine. By simply liking our posts, tagging your friends and sharing our vision you can give us your mana towards our cause.
Make-A-Wish NZ does amazing work in our community and of course, I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of it!
The Ultimate Adventure Challenge is to raise crucial funds to help Make-A-Wish NZ grant wishes for children living with critical illnesses.