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Marathon swimming for mental health

$11,600 donated
Given by 168 generous donors in one year

Mid way through tackling the notorious ‘Triple Crown’ to raise funds for ‘I Am Hope’ and support youth mental health assistance in NZ


To date only eight people have completed the iconic NZ marathon swimming challenge known as the ‘Triple Crown’ which involves successful crossings of Lake Taupo (40.2km), Cook Strait (22km) & Foveaux Strait (28km) - and over the course of the next season I plan to be one of them.

I’ve decided to use these swims as a means to support ‘I Am Hope’ to help raise crucial funds for youth mental health support here in NZ following my own journey after a spinal fusion and subsequent recovery amidst the peak of my swimming career at 17. By traditional means, many young Kiwi’s wait up to six-months on counsellor waiting lists which unfortunately can often be six-months too long and is a contributing factor to the heart-breaking statistic we carry as having the highest youth suicide rate in the world. I AM HOPE work tirelessly to provide free counselling services with registered mental health professionals for under 25’s around the country to help these young Kiwis through their journey, provide crucial education surrounding mental health and help break the stigmas often associated with asking for help.

I know full well how necessary this support is for young Kiwis to help get them back out there following their passions. As you may imagine, being a NZ title & record holding athlete going from training 26hrs a week to being on full bed rest and learning basic motor skills again at such an age took a toll on me, and I lost who I was for a number of years including my love of the water.

The past couple of years has found me reestablish myself & rediscover this feeling of completeness when swimming and getting back into it, hence why I’ve set my heart on finally achieving these personal bucket-list swims that I’ve dreamt of for so long, all while doing a little bit of good in the world while I’m at it. Why not right?

I am certainly not the first, nor likely to be the fastest, and am very well aware of many incredible feats undertaken by people everyday - both through adventures similar to this or for those going through their own battles, simply getting through the day. I am a small town girl chasing some big time dreams and would be humbled for you to come on this journey with me.

Your support of as much or as little of a donation as these times allow means the world to both myself & the I Am Hope team and is greatly appreciated.

Follow my adventure at ‘Swim for something’ on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated!

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Page closing  5 April 2022

It has been an absolute wild ride raising nearly $12,000 for I AM HOPE through your generous support! Thankyou for coming on this endeavour with me as I chase some dreams and try to do a bit of good in the world 🧡

Fundraising page set to close 6th April 2022.

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Private Donor
Private Donor on 05 Apr 2022
Derek on 03 Apr 2022
Hayley on 29 Mar 2022
Congrats - and what a great cause to support!!
David on 26 Mar 2022
Hilary on 16 Mar 2022
Just read about your achievements on the intranet page - amazing!!

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Liana Smith's avatar
Created by Liana Smith
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This campaign started on 25 Feb 2021 and ended on 6 Apr 2022.