Running 462km in March for the Ronald McDonald House South Island.
My name is Maddy and I am challenging myself to run 462km in the month of March to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House South Island.
A little bit about myself and how I came up with the challenge...
It was a friend who inspired the idea at the beginning of the year where he completed a 29km run to celebrate his 29th birthday. With my competitive nature, I was quick to start thinking of ways I could one up him. Mix in a little inspiration from my CrossFit training and so I settled on this run challenge. Running the amount of km’s per day as the date of the month, for the month of March.
(March 1st = 1km, March 12th = 12km and so on).
My main motivator’s behind completing this challenge is to prove myself I am capable of a lot more than I currently think I am. To achieve something that I can look back on and be proud of as well as give back to a Charity that my family has relied on in the past during a few operations when I was younger.
If this sounds like something you can get behind, donations would be HUGELY appreciated!
Thanks and here are a couple of ways you can follow my progress:
Instagram: maddyglynn31
Strava: Maddy Glynn
We have hit $1800 !! 19 March 2024
Thank you legends!! We are sitting at just over $1800 raised for the Ronald Mcdonald House Charities. Can we double it one more time???