Mates Matter NZ Charitable Trust Cup Fundraiser

$695 donated
Given by 14 generous donors in 21 days

To raise funds for the Mates Matter NZ Charitable Trust through mates playing cricket.


Waipuna Valley Cricket Club along with our charitable partner Mates Matter NZ Charitable Trust are excited to announce the Mates Matter Cup fundraiser, to be played between W.V.C.C V Kumeu C.C on Saturday the 10th of April at Stud Oval. Mates Matter NZ was set up in 2019 to encourage mates to look after each other and ask “Are you Ok?”. We need to be raising awareness around mental health because last year alone 654 Kiwi's took their own life which is 654 too many precious lives lost. Waipuna Valley Cricket Club was set up so mates could spend more time with mates, to support each other in the game of life and have an environment where it is not weak to speak up if you are struggling.

Waipuna Valley Cricket Club's involvement (page creator)

I have lost too many friends due to suicide and thoroughly believe in the message Mates Matter NZ are promoting, that "it 'aint weak to speak"

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Latest donations

Bully on 11 Apr 2021
Thanks for helping the cause.
Fitzy + Clare
Fitzy + Clare on 11 Apr 2021
Kaye and Keith
Kaye and Keith on 09 Apr 2021
A great charity to support
Brian and Irene
Brian and Irene on 08 Apr 2021
Ross on 08 Apr 2021
I'm always up for a yarn about anything. #ITAINTWEAKTOSPEAK

Who's involved?

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Created by Waipuna Valley Cricket Club (Group)
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 22 Mar 2021 and ended on 12 Apr 2021.