Participating in Fitbit 250K Step Challenge
I'm trying to hit 250k steps in November to raise funds for Diabetes NZ.
Diabetes is something that affects my family and having this challenge has made me get these home office legs moving during lockdown. I've still got some catch up though - it's over halfway through the month so I should be at least over 125k steps by now but I'll do it - I love a good target.
I haven't had a flat white since the 17th August so I'm going to match up to $50 of donations made on the page - so maybe you could donate what you would spend on a coffee or beer, wine....fizzy (looking at you Dad:).
Thank You! 2 December 2021
Congratulations to everyone who stepped up for diabetes this Diabetes Action Month, and achieved their 250K steps! We’ve loved seeing all the steps that awesome Kiwis have taken this month!
We are so grateful to everyone who stepped up and helped raise awareness for diabetes in New Zealand during the month.
Participating in Fitbit 250K Challenge
250K steps. One month. One life-changing challenge. Step towards a healthier you 1 – 30 November.
Thanks Aunty Miriam! I just ticked over the 250k steps with what has been a pretty big walk this evening…
Thanks Lissa!! (Aka Noeline😉)
Thanks Ma and Pa;) Inspired me to do the 15k steps needed today, another 15k needed tomorrow to hit the target