MoreFM Mount Everest Challenge

$939 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in 9 weeks

In support of More FM's Mount Challenge I am going to attempt to climb Mount Maunganui 38 times in 50 days!

Bay of Plenty

I am one of the directors of Dollar Value and want to join in with MoreFM and help raise money for the area Surf Lifesaving Clubs. This will be a real challenge for me. I'm 59 years old and have climbed the Mount one time in my 5+ years in New Zealand.

I've decided to do this as I will probably get as much benefit from the exercise as the clubs will get from your donations. The thought of climbing the Mount 38 times in 50 days seems very daunting; however, I'm going to give it my best. I will be reporting my progress on the Dollar Value facebook page.

You can donate here or at any of the four Dollar Value locations. Remember, all money donated goes to support three organizations that support and protect us when we are enjoying our time on the beach!

Michael Luke's involvement (page creator)

I am participating as my expression of support for a great cause.

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Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge

We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.

Latest donations

Michael on 05 Apr 2015
Dollar Value Stores
Dollar Value Stores on 01 Apr 2015
Mel & Lynn
Mel & Lynn on 31 Mar 2015
What a great job you are doing. Proud of your accomplishment! Way to go.
Worlds End Bar Restaurant Cafe
Worlds End Bar Restaurant Cafe on 13 Mar 2015
Well Done Michael!!! Keep up the good walk
Lisa, Tom, Ashley, Christina and Allie Mertensotto
Lisa, Tom, Ashley, Christina and Allie Mertensotto on 19 Feb 2015
We are walking as a family at least 10,000 a day in a FitBit Challenge, and you are climbing mountains to support a great cause. Go Michael!!

Who's involved?

Michael Luke's avatar
Created by Michael Luke
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
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This campaign started on 4 Feb 2015 and ended on 11 Apr 2015.