Miffy's Fight for Youth Mental Health (Youthline)

$3,230 of $5,000 goal
Given by 71 generous donors in 6 weeks

My 'Fit to Fight' Challenge to support Youthline


Whakarongo mai, e hoa mā! I am taking part in Boxing Alley's 8 week 'Fit to Fight' challenge, training like a boxer and raising funds for Youthline (Te Ara Taiohi - Hakatapu Kia Ora Ai), before putting everything to the test in a final body-sparring match!

There is no way I could get in the ring and fight without a purpose. There was no way I could fight my way through life without a purpose either. I found Youthline at 19years old, just at the beginnings of my journey unravelling my struggles and thoughts of suicide beginning as a child, and the painful life experiences that had led me there. I was pretty unsure of this life of mine, but I was inspired by the community of people Youthline provided that were there for any young person at any time of the day or night, when they really needed someone in their corner. Youthline accepted me, nurtured the wisdom in my heart from what I had overcome and gave me the skills and platform to have a purpose: to be the adult I really needed but never had growing up.

Personal motivations aside, Youthline is a 24/7 national helpline that does essential work every day, reaching across all communities of our struggling, unsafe and suicidal young people. It costs 1.3million dollars annually to fund the helpline service. A service that provides LIFE CHANGING and LIFE SAVING phone, txt, email and webchat counselling support.

If you want to join in the good fight for youth mental health and safety; if you want to tell young people what they experience matters, that they are valid and that their wellbeing and easy access to counselling is worth investing in; and/or you just want to give me a little cheer as I prepare for fight night, PLEASE DONATE NOW!

Participating in


Join us and support the participants of Boxing Alley's 'Fit To Fight' challenge who are fundraising for their chosen charities!

Latest donations

Shae on 09 Jul 2021
Miffy you absolute star!! I am soooo proud of you! And slightly scared! πŸ˜† Thanks for loving Youthline so much. You make the world a better place πŸ₯°
Beth on 05 Jul 2021
You're so inspiring! <3
Nadine on 05 Jul 2021
Well done Miffy ☺️
Erika on 05 Jul 2021
Kia kaha Miffy πŸ’š
Andrew & Catherine
Andrew & Catherine on 04 Jul 2021

Who's involved?

Miffy Barling's avatar
Created by Miffy Barling
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 26 May 2021 and ended on 11 Jul 2021.