Mon's Marathon Mission for Family Works

$5,097 of $5,000 goal
Given by 86 generous donors in around 6 months

Family violence is not OK. The circumstances some of our families are exposed to is heart-breaking. I'm on a mission to help!

Hawke's Bay

I'm lucky enough to work for Presbyterian Support East Coast as the Communications Manager (I do the fun stuff!).

I hear daily of the arduous work our Family Works social workers and counsellors do for victims of family violence, child abuse and mental illness. I also hear their struggles and frustrations with lack of funds. Being a charitable organisation there is always a shortfall we have to raise each year.

I'm inspired to raise money for this worthy service by running the Auckland Marathon on Sunday, 28 October. I committed to raising $100 per kilometre – that’s $100 x 42 kilometres =$4,200.

However, if I can raise $5,000 it will give 10 more children access to much-needed counselling and social work.

- Children who have lost a family member and are grieving

- Children who’ve witnessed a family member being beaten or abused

- Children who are victims of abuse

My story:

I’ve always loved running. I started off running a few kilometres to get back into shape as a teenager and then, I suppose you could say, I got the running bug. It’s a good challenge and the runner’s high gets me every time.

I’ve run four half marathons in my lifetime – after completing my first 12 years ago, I added a full marathon to my bucket list. It’s been at the back of my mind but knee injuries kept holding me back, until I actually never thought I’d tick that marathon off my list.

Then I got married, had two beautiful boys, got older, got wiser (slightly), and while running with no particular goal in mind I began yoga to keep my knee injuries at bay. That has made the world of difference and I went on to do my most recent half marathon in May and ran my best time.

Two weeks after that run, my mum passed away after a long, brave and horrendous battle with cancer. She was 66. That changed my perspective on everything. Life really is short and you don’t know what’s around the corner – so I signed up to do the marathon. Because if I don’t do it now, when will I? I’m fit and healthy so I’m making the most of my time while I can.

Being a mum and lucky to have a close-knit family, I can’t help but have a heavy heart for those poor families and children going through hard times due to reasons out of their control. So I thought, if I can make a small difference and give 10 more children access to much needed help, then lets do it!

So there you have it, I’m committed to raising $5,000! I would be ever so grateful for your support. Every dollar helps. Please donate today!

Monique Jeffares' involvement (page creator)

I'm lucky enough to work for Presbyterian Support East Coast and witness daily the amazing work our social workers, counsellors and nurses do - but also their struggles and frustrations with lack of funds. Being a charitable organisation there is always a shortfall to raise each year.

I'm inspired to contribute as much as I can to help them fulfill their duties, in order to help families prosper on the East Coast.

Latest update

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And that’s a wrap  28 October 2018

Mons Marathon Mission for Family Works is complete 😅

It didn’t quite go to plan but I knew that at the start. My hip (piriformis) started hurting at the 15km mark so I had no idea how I was going to go.

I took a couple of Voltaren that helped get me through.

It was tough but I didn't hate it so I guess that's a good thing! It was a really great event to be part of.

Massive thanks to Tim, Hugo and Arch, Han, Nat, Hayden, Maria, Bec, Brooke, Rachel and Ava. It was so nice having your support and friendly faces out there!

So now I've done what I set out to do I'm happy.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. I thought of all your lovely messages when I hit the wall at 40km. 😊

I finished in 4hrs 54 mins.

And guess what?! We’ve reached the $5000 fundraising target too. Thanks to you all! Amazing team effort.

Boom 👊🏼

#aucklandmarathon #runthecity @ Devonport, New Zealand

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Peter and Raewyn Drury
Peter and Raewyn Drury on 29 Oct 2018
Vivienne on 29 Oct 2018
So proud of you, Mon!
Simon Cartwright
Simon Cartwright on 27 Oct 2018
Best of luck Monique!
Emma Dolley
Emma Dolley on 27 Oct 2018
Well done Monique! What an inspiration you are x
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Oct 2018

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Created by Monique Jeffares
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Jul 2018 and ended on 4 Jan 2019.