Mothers Network - Solo Mothers Groups

$413 donated
Given by 12 generous donors in 7 days

Fundraising for solo mothers groups run by the Mothers Network.


In honour of Mothers Day this year I am organising a fundraising morning tea in my workplace on Thursday, 11 May. I've set this page up for remote workers and those that don't carry cash. But also for any family/friends that would like to contribute to these great workshops.

Proceeds will go to the Mothers Network, specifically for future Solo Mothers Groups. The groups run on a pay it forward dynamic however, you can imagine a lot of solo mothers are on a very limited budget so donations compared to the other mothers groups are smaller.

I attended one of the groups this year and it was a godsend - the group was helpful and the people were accommodating and caring.

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The spread!  11 May 2023

The kitchen is smelling pretty good right now

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Latest donations

Arlo Software
Arlo Software on 17 May 2023
Last cash donations
Bruce on 13 May 2023
Leliel on 12 May 2023
Dorito & Benji
Dorito & Benji on 11 May 2023
Janine Young


Janine Young
Arlo Software
Arlo Software on 11 May 2023
Cash donations from morning tea

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Created by Janine Young
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This campaign started on 10 May 2023 and ended on 17 May 2023.