Motivation after Cancer

$710 donated
Given by 22 generous donors in 5 weeks

Now that I have beaten Cancer I would like to walk around the bays Auckland and raise money for The Tania Dalton foundation.


My motivation to participate in round the bays started through my rehabilitation with my physiotherapist following a 4 year battle with abdominal Cancer. Through discussions with her, it became obvious that I needed a goal to motivate me to get up of a morning and start on my next journey in life.

As easy as it is for some people to be able to walk, this is a big deal for me as I have struggled with walking any distance since my last tumour was removed and the multiple surgeries I endured. Having Cancer in the abdomen means that my liver, kidneys, core muscles and lower back are severely damaged.

With the help of my daughters who take me out walking whenever they can ( I cant be trusted alone) I have so far managed to do 4km in one go and yes it hurts but I am determined to no longer be a victim to Cancer but a survivor.

I have chosen the Tania Dalton foundation because my husband knew Tania and when she died unexpectantly I suffered from survivors guilt. So this is my little way of keeping her legacy going. The Tania Dalton foundation is there to help Kiwi kids be the best they can be through sport and the TDF programmes.

Lisa Cook's involvement (page creator)

After beating Cancer I would love to support the Tania Dalton foundation to enable them to carry on Tania's Legacy and help Kiwi Kids.

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Latest donations

Vijaita and Vinesh
Vijaita and Vinesh on 16 Mar 2018
Carole (mum)
Carole (mum) on 15 Mar 2018
Love mum x
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Mar 2018
Lisa you have inspired me
The Howard's
The Howard's on 04 Mar 2018
Go Lisa! You're amazing
Lisa, Noel, Brooklyn, Indi & Georgia
Lisa, Noel, Brooklyn, Indi & Georgia on 04 Mar 2018
Such an inspiration xxx

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Created by Lisa Cook
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This campaign started on 20 Feb 2018 and ended on 31 Mar 2018.