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Mount Everest Challenge: Harder Version

  • Thanks!

      16 January 2023
    Main image

    Thank you everyone who donated! Means a lot you took the care to not just open the link and read the page, but actually go ahead and contribute! PSRT is a really great cause, the flying they do saves lives - again thank you for your generosity!

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  • Final update

      9 January 2023

    77 laps completed over the last 7 days (17,800m ascent 210km). 105 laps completed over the last 16 days with a week off for isolation/recovery after testing positive for the spicy cough early in the first attempt. Didn’t quite go to plan, will continue with the remaining 23 slow pace over the next couple of weeks and no doubt retry in the future with better preparation/health. Thanks everyone who donated to the cause and joined for a few laps!



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  • Covid

      27 December 2022

    Hey everyone, completed my target of 28/100 laps in the first two days but developed covid symptoms and tested positive after waking on day 3. Will assess the situation after the isolation period/recovery to do the 100, will be doing it. Cheers, Alex

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