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Mt Everest Challenge at Mt Maunganui

$450 donated
Given by 9 generous donors in 12 weeks

I am joining the Mt Everest challenge to raise funds for St John Ambulance service. A service we all rely on in our community.

Bay of Plenty

St John is a charity worthy of our time and effort. Most of us will have either experienced their ambulance services themselves or have had a loved one assisted by them.

In 2020 I saw first hand how amazing the volunteers are when I had a family member requiring their services. Their dedication, compassion, empathy and patience is second to none.

To provide this service St John relies on donations from the public. Without community contributions there would be no ambulance service for ourselves and our future generation.

So it is with their selfless efforts in mind that I am taking part in the More FM Mt Everest Challenge 2021. I will join a team to climb Mt Maunganui 38 times in 50 days (the equivalent of doing Mt Everest!) Some days I may drag myself up but I will remember the great deeds of the St John team and they will keep me inspired.

Helen Terry's involvement (page creator)

If St John volunteers can give up a large amount of their own time to help those in need, then I can give up a few weeks of my time and push myself out of my comfort zone to help raise funds to support the charity.

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Day 10 and still going strong  30 March 2021

Today I smashed out my 10th climb! Although itโ€™s still a struggle I think it getting easier as I get fitter. The fitter I am I figure the less chance I will need St John ambulance!! Letโ€™s keep climbing and fundraising to ensure that there will always be an ambulance service for us, because we just never know when we need them.

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More FM Mount Everest Challenge 2021

The Mount Everest Challenge is back for 2021. Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Bay Of Plenty St John Ambulance!

Latest donations

Kylie on 23 Mar 2021
Good on you Helen! And yes a most worthy cause.
Judy on 21 Mar 2021
Elsie on 20 Mar 2021
Gina on 17 Mar 2021
Ka pai. I should join you one day, ha as I sit under the mount atm soaking up the sunrays drinking my coffee. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Sherrie on 17 Mar 2021
I'm so proud of you matey ๐Ÿ˜Š

Who's involved?

Helen Terry's avatar
Created by Helen Terry
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Mar 2021 and ended on 31 May 2021.