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Nicola Atkin - Habitat for Humanity Trip Sep '14

$2,435 of $3,000 goal
Given by 25 generous donors in 4 weeks

A group of friends are heading out to Fiji with H4HNZ to help build a house for a family. We need to raise $3000 each to help cover all co


Habitat for Humanity New Zealand help thousands of family all over the world have a home of their own.

A group of friends are heading out to Fiji with H4HNZ to help build a house for a family. We need to raise $3000 each to help cover all costs (including materials for the house we will build)

Latest update

Done - Target Reached!! Thank you to everyone  20 August 2014

I'm very happy to say that I have reached the target, the money raised here on the website is added to the other amounts habitat already have from me (total of 894) and I have what is needed - a HUGE thanks to everyone who has donated. HUGE thanks :)

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Ingrid on 22 Aug 2014
This is a fantastic thing to do. Good on ya!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Aug 2014
Flick on 20 Aug 2014
You are the best!
Rav on 20 Aug 2014
Enjoy Fiji!
Cli on 06 Aug 2014
Best of luck! :)

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 28 May 2014 and ended on 27 Jun 2014.