OldFartsOnBikes pedalling the length of NZ!

$2,705 donated
Given by 36 generous donors in around 4 months

OldFartsOnBikes pedalling the length of NZ!


Mike and Vince completed the mighty Tour Aotearoa cycle trail in January. The 'TA' is one of the world’s great bikepacking trips: starting from Cape Reinga at the very northern tip of New Zealand and finishing at Bluff in the far south, covering over 3,000km (2,000 miles) on cycle trails, tracks and country roads.

Mike and Vince are enthusiastic cyclists and want to use this opportunity to raise funds for two amazing charities: Women's Refuge and WWF-New Zealand.

Women's Refuge supports and helps women and children experiencing family violence. WWF-NZ is part of the world’s largest organisation dedicated to protecting nature and working with people to conserve our planet.

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Can we stop now?  3 February 2023

Many thanks to those who made generous donations to ‘OldFartsOnBikes pedalling the length of NZ!’. We raised about a dollar for every km we cycled. Your contributions will help our chosen charities – Women’s Refuge and WWF NZ – to continue the great work they do.

We didn’t initially set out to raise money, we were going to do the ride anyway. But that fact that so many people were backing us helped keep us going at those moments when we just wanted to find the nearest pub and stop pedalling!

Overall, the Tour Aotearoa proved to be an amazing experience, offering the chance to savour the delights of New Zealand at the ‘human’ pace of a bicycle. We saw some stunning scenery and met some wonderful people along the way.

Let the planning for the next adventure begin …

Mike & Vince

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Jane on 29 Jan 2023
Mary & Michael
Mary & Michael on 28 Jan 2023
Thomad on 25 Jan 2023
Well done boys
Penelope on 24 Jan 2023
Wasn't really waiting to see if you finished!
Jacki on 24 Jan 2023
Well done you guys... you put me to shame!

Who's involved?

Mike Thompson's avatar
Created by Mike Thompson
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This campaign started on 18 Oct 2022 and ended on 28 Feb 2023.