Women's Refuge New Zealand

Women's Refuge New Zealand

Putting lives back together any way we can


We are an independent, bicultural community organisation and have support services designed especially for children, young people, Māori women, Pasifika women and migrant and refugee women. We also assist lesbian women, older women and women with disabilities.

As New Zealand’s most significant domestic violence organisation, Women’s Refuge takes a strong advocacy role by working to positively change policy and attitudes about domestic violence. We do this by lobbying the government and running public campaigns – all to help keep women and children safe.

Our vision is leadership that influences the prevention and elimination of domestic violence.

And our purpose is to liberate women, children, families and whānau from family violence by providing quality services and social commentary.

These are the values we recognise while we’re working hard to do this:

Whakapapa: Relationships built on kinship and reciprocity.

Tikanga: Practising with integrity.

Wairua: Honouring diversity.

Tapu: Promoting self-understanding and development.

Mauri: Maintenance of the individual identity and values within a collective.

Mana: Inspirational leadership.

At Women’s Refuge we treat all women, children and their families/whānau in a respectful, confidential, sensitive and non-judgemental manner.

To find out more about us check out our latest news and events, learn how you can get involved and support our work, sign up to our newsletter, or contact your local refuge. Kia kaha.


More about us

New Zealand’s largest nation-wide organisation that supports and helps women and children experiencing family violence. Our vision is for all women and children in Aotearoa to live free from domestic and family violence.

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Latest donations

Mark 2 days ago
Divya 3 days ago    Running for Women’s Refuge
Enjoy your training xx
Marshall & Murilo
Marshall & Murilo on 13 Jul 2024    Half Marathon Fundraiser for the Women’s Refuge
Run Voon Run
Voon Pang

Thanks M and M! Appreciate the support and I'll be doing my best to run :) x

Voon Pang
Titania on 10 Jul 2024
Thank you for your work 🙏🏻

Who's involved?

Women's Refuge New Zealand's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Women's Refuge New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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