We are a Taranaki ‘Dancing with the Stars’ event aiming to change the mental health world in Taranaki one dance move at a time.
Become a Dancing For Hope Hero! ALL proceeds from this page are going to Gumboot Friday and The Taranaki Retreat on behalf of Dancing for Hope.
Taranaki's favourite faces are set to put their dancing shoes on for the good of the community. With all profits donated to Mike King's 'Gumboot Friday' charity and mental health in our region- 'The Taranaki Retreat'. So the Theatre Royal is the place to be on the evening of November 10 2023. After being paired with a dance teacher, our celebrities have 10 weeks to create a dance routine ready to perform to our audience of 500(ish) on event night.
Please head to the social media links below for a raffle we are running separately to the Givealittle page!
Help us change the world one dance move at a time