One Dollar Warriors - Fight for John

$18,779 of $40,000 goal
Given by 1508 generous donors in one year

John's a committed Police Officer in one of NZ’s toughest areas to patrol. John's also a Dad, a husband - and now John's fighting cancer.


John is a committed Police Officer in one of New Zealand’s toughest areas to patrol. He works among gangs who are relentless and can cause so much harm without a second thought.

A few years back John was off duty walking his dog when he saw a situation that was escalating. John stepped in to break up a fight between two females when all of a sudden he was attacked by multiple gang members. The horrendous injuries that were inflicted left him in hospital in a coma. John fought hard to get back to full health and eventually was back to serving his community full time.

Not long after his return John was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. Doctors here told him there was nothing that could be done.

John has an 8 year old son so that diagnosis wasn’t an option for him. Through the advice of his GP John started researching other options.

John, with the help of others, discovered a Professor specialising in oesophageal oncology in London.

John has been accepted for treatment (and has recently started it) - a mix of Chemotherapy - which is significantly more advanced than that available in NZ - and gastrectomy surgery.

This will give John a 40% chance of being cured (or at least another 4 to 10 years with his 8 year old son and wife Lisa). John needs 6 months of chemotherapy before having surgery to remove the tumour.

And you guessed it, John has to fund this potentially life saving treatment.

The NZ police have been doing all they can to support John and his family, including raising significant amounts of money towards John's treatment.

John desperately wants to watch his son, William, grow up and become a good man. Like every father he wants to lead his son and show him what it means to serve his community.

For John to complete his course of treatments he needs to raise over $300,000 NZ dollars. So far, with the help of his friends, family, his community, and the NZ Police, they are almost there.

John only needs another $85,000 to complete his treatment.

While Johns' community has been amazingly supportive with both their time and generous donations, it’s now time for our clan of Warriors to step in and help John.

It’s time for the One Dollar Warriors clan to raise our dollar and commit to what we have promised.

Come on Warriors, it's time to save a life!

One Dollar Warriors' involvement (page creator)

We are One Dollar Warriors. We are here to fight for John and help save his life.

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Latest donations

Karen on 30 Jul 2016
Good luck John. We wish you well you sound like a good man. Karen & Connell Graham
Private Donor
Private Donor on 21 Feb 2016
Ladybug on 06 Feb 2016
Kia kaha!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Jan 2016
Hi my donation isn't much but I do hope it really helps! My dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 emphysema (the last stage) and has also been told there is nothing that can cure him and has been given about a year to live. As his daughter and still only young as I'm 17, and hes only 44 it is hard. So I'm glad you have found a treatment that is able to help you. good luck !
Private Donor
Private Donor on 08 Jan 2016
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This campaign started on 13 Aug 2015 and ended on 1 Sep 2016.