Please help me to raise funds for the Tauranga Women's Refuge. Every little bit is much appreciated.
Bay of Plenty
Hello to all my family and friends
I have been challenged to participate in The MORE FM Mount Everest Challenge. Climbing the Mount 38 times is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest!
The challenge is to do this in 50 days and help raise money for Tauranga Women’s Refuge. The challenge starts Friday 17th February and finishes Friday 7 April
It would great if you could sponsor me – just a little bit will help
Thank you
All Done! 9 April 2017
Last Friday Toddie and I went over to Mount Maunganui for the final summit in the Mount Everest Challenge - summit #38.
We were lucky with the weather and it was a great feeling to have completed the challenge and especially to have raised $1,085 so far.
To date the overall amount raised by the group is $65,842.36. That is an amazing amount and all funds raised are going to our local Tauranga Womens Refuge. It is a sad statistic that there are also a lot of children sheltering there and I feel proud to have been part of this group fundraiser to help these ladies and their families.
A huge thank you to my family and friends for helping me with this challenge. Not only with raising funds but also for all the words of encouragement and helping out when I couldn't because I was busy summiting!
I have enjoyed the challenge and appreciate all the company I had on the way!
Thank you.
The Mount Everest Challenge 2017. Help us to raise money for Tauranga Women's Refuge by climbing Mauao 38 times in 50 days.
Thank you for supporting me on this challenge. It's very much appreciated.
Thank you again to all the staff at Trevelyan's for contributing to such a good cause and supporting our fund raiser. Thank you Teei and Jodi for driving the campaign!
Thank you for all your support - my biggest fan. And thank you for helping me reach $1,000 for such a worthwhile cause xxx
Thanks Jacks. I really appreciate your support. Just did summits 23 & 24 today so I've passed the half way mark. Thought you could've popped over to join me for a couple? xx