Participating in Team Unicorn - Tour of NZ 2023
In April, Jatin and Nirang will be cycling in the Tour of NZ, a 5-day cycle challenge from Arthur's Pass to Queenstown, while fundraising for Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ, an organisation that supports patients and families affected by neuroendocrine (NET) cancer.
Their goal is to raise $10k which will be achievable with your help.
Your donations will not only help Jatin and Nirang to keep pedalling over mountainous regions of the South Island, but go towards Neuroendocrine Cancer NZ's goal of improving detection and diagnosis times. It takes an average of five years to get a correct diagnosis, by which time the cancer has usually spread around the body. If every patient gets the right treatment, at the right time, most people can live for many years. You can read more about Neuroendocrine Cancer on the website:
This will be their 4th time riding on the Tour of NZ, so are no strangers to the physical challenge but are returning again because they know how their dedication and effort can have such a positive impact for the NET cancer community.
Thank you for your donation and helping Jatin and Nirang to make a difference.
Keep up to date with Jatin and Nirang's experience on the Tour of NZ via this Facebook page:
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe 30 April 2023
This page is about to close so we just wanted to express our thanks again for making this so successful for our riders/fundraisers and NET cancer community.
Please follow us on Facebook and our website for more updates on how we are using the funds raised.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe xx
A dedicated team of riders will ride 517km across the South Island of NZ all in support of the NZ Neuroendocrine Cancer community.