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Plunge Into Life

  • Thank you so much for your support and donations.

      3 November 2023
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    My fundraiser has been most successful and the goal was reached 2 days ago. Tonight we have a big event in Taupō- The Gumboot Friday Plunge and all money raised will go to I Am Hope and Gumboot Friday appeal.

    This has been such a heartwarming and positive experience for me and so many others. Your donation will make a such a difference in a young person’s life. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to I Am Hope for all their incredible support and encouragement of my efforts.


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  • Pukaki Day 5 Lake 5

      17 September 2023
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    Can’t believe how the days have flown.

    Thank you all so much for your support, encouragement and donations.

    Your contributions will make such a huge difference in the lives of so many young people.

    Me and my fellow cohorts, Issy and Deb and so many others along the way are honoured to be taking the plunges and have certainly been uplifted by your input.

    Thank you all so much 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

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  • Why I started Plunge Into Life

      17 August 2023
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    I was always a beacon of positivity and optimism, providing comfort and support to others, so when I did get real low, it was the most foreign thing in the world to me.

    It was a series of things that lowered my resistance and led to me ‘losing my way‘, becoming anxious and negative for several years on and off right up until to the Covid lockdowns when I hit rock bottom.

    My mental health struggles are a lot better and the journey has been a real learning curve. On reflection, I feel grateful for the experience which has given her a depth of understanding and empathy for those who also struggle to keep afloat in their lives.

    Several things contributed to the downfall and several things contributed to the upswing, - most recently and powerfully, the discovery of cold water swimming.

    One evening in March I was watching a TV program showing the benefits of cold water plunging with my dear friends Ann and Graeme and the next morning Ann said to me,

    “do you want to do something radical?”, and I said, “yes I always want to do something radical, but what?” ...

    And we plunged into Lake Taupo that same cold morning.

    Swimming in the cold lakes has drastically improved my mental wellbeing and I really encourage others to give it a go. It’s like a drug, and it’s free! Ann & I have now gathered a group of friends in Taupō who join us and love it.

    “We get a buzz for the whole day. It really energises and envigorates us.”

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